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Beiträge, die mit FAMILY getaggt sind

"But what I am saying is that, if you have MAGA relatives or friends, you need to evaluate your relationship not just on the basis of the ugly choice they made in the past, but on the basis of what that ugly choice says about what they might do to you in the future."

#Trump #MAGA #family #fascism #cruelty

I just posted this valuable statement by Noah Berlatsky on Facebook, and Facebook immediately took down the posting:

"It may not be safe to remain friends with MAGA. Trump voters have told you they will hurt you. It’s reasonable to believe them. …

I’m not saying everyone in every case has to cut their MAGA family out of their life. Different people are in different circumstances; you can’t make blanket rules."

#Trump #MAGA #family #fascism #cruelty


Some Good News...

A 4-Year-old Girl Told She’d ‘Never Walk’ takes Her First Steps–With Sisters Screaming as They Shoot Video
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #goodnews #family

Girls first steps

Decided to upgrade my air fryer, coincidently after seeing chat about air fryers and my son is showing increasing interest in cooking in the air fryer I have, which is quite small. Last week he made a roast in it and had to cut it in two 🤨 Anyway, if it encourages him to cook, then I'm going to get one he likes to use #domestics #family

A Pregnant Teenager Died After Trying to Get Care in Three Visits to #Texas Emergency Rooms

It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a #hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened.

Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.”

She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s #abortion ban.

#News #Health #HealthCare #Pregnancy #Government #Law #Safety #Family


TIL why I'm not a millionaire. The Fastest Way to Become the First Millionaire in Your Family #millionaire #freedom #family

#til #todayilearned