Beiträge, die mit STOPTHEGENOCIDE getaggt sind
A wounded #Palestinian girl.
Four wounded #Palestinian children.
A #Palestinian mother holds her child for the last time.
#Palestinian children gather around a fire in a refugee camp.
A heavily wounded #Palestinian #child.
A little #Palestinian boy waits for food. His eyes are telling us what he's been through.
They survived an #Israeli attack but lost family members (like everyone in Gaza) - a young #Palestinian adult holds his heavily wounded younger brother.
En nog steeds kan deze horror genocide kennelijk gewoon doorgaan.
#genocide #gaza #StopIsrael #StopTheGenocide #palestine
Israël bestormt ziekenhuis in Noord-Gaza, 'honderden doden en gewonden'
Het ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza spreekt van een oorlogsmisdaad, omdat Israël "alle vormen van moord en geweld" zou hebben toegepast.NOS Nieuws
📍 UTRECHT CS, Centrumzijde
🕐 6PM-7.30 PM
Het contrast op vijf december is misselijkmakend. In Nederland pakken kinderen cadeaus uit, in Palestina worden kinderen vermoord. Nog altijd met steun van ons land.
Tijdens deze sit-in herdenken we Palestijnse kinderen door samen hun namen te lezen, en demonstreren we voor rechtvaardigheid, van de rivier tot aan de zee!
The contrast on December 5th is nauseating. In the Netherlands, children unwrap gifts. In Palestine, children are being killed. Still with the support of the Netherlands.
During this sit-in, we commemorate Palestinian children by reading their names together, and we demonstrate for justice, from the river to the sea!
Utrecht for Palestine (bron)
Covered in dust of bombs - two #Palestinian children who luckily survived an #Israeli attack but lost a lot of family members.
#warzone #destruction
An elderly Palestinian woman.
Merci patron hein !
#antifas #palestine #liban #StopGazaGenocide #stopthegenocide
Aanstaande zaterdag om 14u vindt er op de Dam in Amsterdam een grote demonstratie plaats voor de Palestijnen, en tegen de repressie en criminalisering van de Palestina-beweging. Hierbij roepen wij als antifascisten op om je bij de demonstratie aan te sluiten. Niet alleen uit solidariteit met de Palestijnen, maar ook omdat de repressie en de criminalisering ons allemaal raakt. Om onze zichtbaarheid te vergroten vragen we je om, naast Palestijnse vlaggen/symbolen, antifascistische vlaggen/symbolen mee te nemen.
nn (bron/bron)
A #Palestinian woman in mourning sits next to the bodies of her husband and her children. #MurderedbyIsrael
nn (bron)
Where? Wageningen Campus - Forum (big red square building) 🌉
When? 29th of November🇵🇸
Start of speeches? 15.30 📢
Start of march? 16.30 ✊
Wageningen is home to the longest standing encampment of the Dutch Student Intifada. we have secured our place on campus for over 6 months. Sadly, not a single university in the Netherlands has cut its ties with Israel so far.
For the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people and in the face of intensification of the repression of our movement, it is time to come together and march to the national symbol for liberation: the 5th May Square in Wageningen.
Join the protest and let Wageningen spread the fire of liberation!
Wageningen Encampment (source)
#Warzone on the Gazan beach, November 2023. Photo by Hind Khoudary.
Breda Solidair (bron)
A little #Gazan toddler, not even two years old....
- YouTube
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A #Palestinian teenager and his #mother in mourning next to the body of a #family member.
After more than a year of genocide, the Dutch government will have to stand trial for its complicity in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. A coalition of Palestinian and Dutch organisations have sued the Dutch government, and the hearing will take place in the District Court in The Hague on Friday 22 November. Not only the role of the Netherlands in the genocide is part of the case — also its role in Israel’s structural violations of international law long before 7 October.
We have all lost faith in the international order, if we ever had any. But this is the first-ever case in which organisations demand that ICJ findings (from January and July 2024) are applied to a domestic court. If they fail, we can dissolve the ICJ and ICC.
So, let’s come together one more time at the Court in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
📍: Prins Clauslaan 60 in The Hague.
⌚️: Friday 22 November, 9 am-12 pm
BDS Nederland (bron)
#Childhood in a #Warzone - #Palestinian children.
A little #Palestinian #girl who has luckily survived an #Israeli attack but lost several family members.
#Warzone in Gaza - two #Palestinian children.
A #Palestinian #boy holding his younger sibling.
"This Thursday, Ajax has a football match against Tel Aviv (starting at 9:00 p.m.). The Amsterdam police are expecting a large number of Zionist football hooligans in Amsterdam and are also concerned that some who are also IOF soldiers may cause issues. So, please be cautious if you are wearing a Keffiyeh or a Palestine shirt.
Everyone on the streets should pay attention to personal safety. ESPECIALLY THIS WEEK." (source: Week.4PalestineNL)
They expect 2600 Haccabi Tel Aviv fans in the Johan Cruijff Arena (Ajax stadium). It's a real scandal that Israel is allowed to participate in EUFA matches, but now it's even become dangerous for locals. This weekend a peaceful protester was already beaten into hospital by a visiting Zionist. The @gemeenteamsterdam exposes its residents to a lot of danger. This football match should have been forbidden beforehand.
So please stay safe people! ❤️
#Ajax #EUFA #Israel #Haccabi #TelAviv #IDF #Gaza #Palestine #StopTheGenocide
#Ceasefire_Now #StopTheGenocide
Three #Palestinian children who survived a recent #Israeli #attack on their homes in #Jabalia.