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Beiträge, die mit jesus getaggt sind

#Blog #Abendmahl #Jesus #fedikirche

The meaning of ‘dispensation’

I take a ‘dispensational interpretation’ of the Bible which is a method of interpreting history that divides God’s work and His purposes towards mankind into different periods of time in which there are different administrations according to His will.
Tony Pearce

#churchleadership #dispensation #Israel #jesus #Messiah #salvation


A Christian Town in Syria Keeps the Biblical Language of Aramaic Alive. But It Fears for Its Future https://www.byteseu.com/796334/ #Aramaic #BasharAssad #Conflicts #jesus #Syria
globe - Middle East

God’s dispensations of the future

In the Prophecies of the Bible, you have a failure at the end of this age as well. You have the rise of a corrupt Babylon Church which will suppress the Gospel, persecute true believers, and be antisemitic. You have a end-time apostasy with people turning away from God, which leads to the rise of the Antichrist and the end of the world scenario.

#churchleadership #dispensation #endofdays #Israel #jesus #Messiah #millenium #salvation


Wo ist Shiri? https://katholischlogisch.blog/2025/02/21/wo-ist-shiri/ #Bergpredigt, #Bibel, #Christus, #Frieden, #Gerechtigkeit, #Hamas, #Israel, #Jesus, #Krieg, #Samariter, #Shiri, #Terror, #Trauer

Count your blessings

Some say ‘the new’ is in ‘the old’, concealed in the old is in the new now revealed. The principles of the New Covenant are there, in the Old Testament, but they’re concealed. They’re revealed when we come to the New Testament, they’re then made known, now, to all.

#ChurchLeadership #covenantoldandnew #dispensation #faith #HolySpirit #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation


The dispensation of grace

Since the coming of Jesus Christ, specifically caused by His death his resurrection, His Ascension to Heaven, and the gift of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, there’s a change from the previous dispensation: the dispensation of the law of Moses, to a new dispensation in which we receive the Grace of God through faith in the Messiah.

#church #dispensations #faith #grace #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation


Elon Musk bought a president and stole all of U.S. money. Trump is full hd fascist dictator like he promised. USians are like: "that sucks but we will win the next election!"
Donald Trump is your God now and Elon Musk is Jesus. There won't be elections anymore.

#musk #elonmusk #presidentmusk #trump #donaldtrump #nazi #nazis #fascism #fascist #USA #USpol #USPolitics #religion #jesus #wwjd #god #dictator #billionaires #eattherich

The offence of the Cross

• Offence today in the UK
• Biblical reasons for Offence
• Ways in which we may offend unnecessarily other people by our behaviour.
• Ways in which we / human race offend God by our sin and unbelief.
• Offence of the cross. How Jesus and the message of Gospel causes offence.
• I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Romans 1.16-17

#ChurchLeadership #cross #faith #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #offense #salvation


Tradition versus God’s Commandments

‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honour Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
Matthew 15.3-9

#ChurchLeadership #commandmentsofmen #faith #Israel #jesus #jesuschrist #salvation #tradition


Jeremiah 1 - The boiling pot

Then the Lord said to me:
“Out of the north calamity shall break forth
On all the inhabitants of the land.
For behold, I am calling
All the families of the kingdoms of the north,” says the Lord;
“They shall come and each one set his throne
At the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem,
Against all its walls all around,
And against all the cities of Judah.
Jeremiah 1.13-15

#church #Israel #Jeremiah #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #SignsOfTheTimes


The first and second fruits

And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20.11-15

#churchleadership #faith #firstfruits #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation #israel


Global protests against Israel’s war in Gaza continue undeterred https://www.byteseu.com/608388/ #Conflicts #Gaza #jesus #TopNews #World
Global protests against Israel’s war in Gaza continue undeterred


" #Christmas marks the birth of #Jesus of Nazareth over 2000 years ago in #Bethlehem, #Palestine, in what is now the Israeli Occupied #WestBank

“‘Never again’ should mean never again to all peoples,”…“‘Never again’ has become ‘yet again’—yet again to supremacy, to racism, and to genocide. And sadly, yet again for the weaponization of the Bible and the silence and complicity of the Western #church…”

…why is anyone still debating whether this is a genocide or not?”"

https://www.europesays.com/1719551/ les médias adorent accuser Israël d’avoir gâché Noël à Bethléem #AbcNews #ap #Bethléem #Israel #Jesus #NBCNews #Noël #PartiPrisAntiIsraélien #reuters
les médias adorent accuser Israël d'avoir gâché Noël à Bethléem


The real #Jesus wouldn't want to celebrate his birthday while children are being murdered in #Gaza.


(#painting by Maram Ali.)

"Pusilânime o comportamento da Igreja Católica ao retirar, por pressão do lobby sionista, a kufiya 🇵🇸 #Palestina da imagem de #Jesus em presépio no Vaticano, depois de visita do papa Francisco à obra. Atitudes submissas como essa dão asas ao Estado colonial e racista de 🇮🇱 #Israel, um regime de malfeitores." -

https://bsky.app/profile/brenoaltman.bsky.social/post/3ld4wa75akc2v -
Via ‪@brenoaltman.bsky.social‬ -