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Beiträge, die mit israël getaggt sind

A treatise on why the #Israel TAIL DOES NOT WAG the US DOG.

"...all signs suggest #neocons will again figure prominently when #Trump returns to the White House.

#Neoconservatives, it is well to remind ourselves, are not in the habit of letting America’s clients dictate to them. They are in the habit of imposing American dominance on others irrespective of all legalities or norms or notions of common decency..."

Patrick Lawrence: “Israel does ‘the wet work.’”
https://scheerpost.com/2024/11/11/patrick-lawrence-israel-does-the-wet-work/ @palestine

AMSTERDAM : RETOUR sur un CAS D'ÉCOLE de PROPAGANDE ! 🇮🇱 (Foot, Hooligan, Macron...)


#Israël #Amsterdam #Médias #Politique #Propagande

For the first time since dozens of people were killed as thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies exploded across Lebanon and parts of Syria, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged Israel was behind the September attack targeting Iran-backed Hezbollah militants. Netanyahu said he approved of the attacks despite “opposition” from some officials. Read more from @USAToday.


#Israel #Iran #Syria #Lebanon #Hezbollah

This is quite unbelievable, like something out of a fictional dystopian alternative Britain but no, this tale of being arrested as a #terrorist for opposing #Genocide and #WarCrimes is very much non-fiction.

79-year-old professor, Haim Bresheeth was arrested under #terrorism legislation for speaking at a protest outside the residence of the #Israel Ambassador in Swiss Cottage.

#UKPol #PoliceState #Facism


🏙 City: Jerusalem, Israel
🏛️ Attraction: Golden Gate

❓ What is the most photogenic sight you have ever seen while on a sightseeing tour?

➡ See the sights like a local in Jerusalem: https://visitsights.com/sights/Israel/Jerusalem?mtm_campaign=mastodon

#️⃣ #Israel #Sights #Jerusalem #Building #Sightseeing #Historic #Travel #CityGate

© Credits: Wikimedia / This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public dom...

This is... staggeringly blatant wtf. I do feel bad for whoever posted the original video, they were clearly trying to do their jobs and kudos to them, and I have a bad feeling they got reprimanded for doing so. #israel #palestine #FreePalestineNow

https://www.europesays.com/1602794/ Israel says ‘certain progress’ made in Lebanon ceasefire talks | Israel #Israel
Israel says ‘certain progress’ made in Lebanon ceasefire talks | Israel

Persbureau AP meldt ondertussen op basis van Israëlische cijfers dat de hoeveelheid humanitaire hulp aan Gaza een dieptepunt heeft bereikt. Gemiddeld bereiken nu 57 vrachtwagens het getroffen gebied. Sinds oktober 2023 was dit aantal niet zo laag. Vorige maand drongen de Verenigde Staten er nog bij #Israël op aan meer humanitaire hulp toe te staan. De VS eisten minstens 350 hulpvrachtwagens per dag.https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/11/11/zeker-37-doden-na-israelische-aanvallen-in-gaza-a4872713

https://www.europesays.com/1602768/ Israel says Iran’s nuclear sites are now more vulnerable than ever #Conflicts #Israel
Israel says Iran’s nuclear sites are now more vulnerable than ever

🔹 Defensa, Seguridad y Justicia

#PaísesBajos _ El Gobierno local de Amsterdam prohíbe toda manifestación pública; como así también prohíbe la “ropa que cubra el rostro” y el porte de objetos que puedan constituir un peligro para la seguridad pública. Las medidas, que rigen entre el sábado 09 y el lunes 11 de noviembre, buscan evitar que se generen incidentes como los altercados que se produjeron entre manifestantes propalestinos y aficionados del club de fútbol Maccabi, de #Israel.

Israel Katz: Ein diplomatischer Bulldozer als Verteidigungsminister

Israel Katz ist der neue Verteidigungsminister Israels. Lässt sich sein schroffes Auftreten mit dem zweitwichtigsten Posten des Landes verbinden? Viele Israelis zweifeln daran. Von Jan-Christoph Kitzler.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/israel-katz-portraet-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Nahost

Palestine did cost the Democrats the election, though not how some imagine. In Palestine’s fate millions finally understood their calls for change would remain unanswered. In this, Palestine revealed the malaise and dissonance of the American empire.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

In response to protests over the Israeli genocide in Gaza, university administrators at Cornell University have weaponized the idea of antisemitism to limit freedom of speech and academic freedom. Similar attacks are happening across the country.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

🔹 Política

El Gobierno de #Ecuador suspende por 150 jornadas a Verónica Abad, vicepresidenta y embajadora ecuatoriana en #Israel, por “abandono injustificado del trabajo por tres o más días laborales consecutivos”. En la comunicación, el Ministerio de Trabajo sostiene que Abad se ausentó de la embajada ecuatoriana en #Turquía {*} durante cinco jornadas hábiles.

{*} Por seguridad, Ecuador trasladó sus sedes diplomáticas de Israel hacia Turquía.

Dat is het plan al die tijd geweest. #Israel kan ook niet samenleven met #Palestijnen. Dat is hun werk geweest om het onmogelijk te maken. Die staat moet er komen of jullie zijn nooit veilig. Dat is de reden waarom er zoveel vrouwen en kinderen onder de burgerslachtoffers zijn. #IsraelWarCrimes #gazagenocide #westbankannexation #ethniccleansing

Israëlische minister: Palestijnse staat 'niet realistisch' https://nos.nl/l/2544071#UPDATE-container-81913056

"This is a video of me burying my 11 cousins. During the genocide in, the act of burial has become a painful experience that has lost all its traditional meaning. we are forced to quickly bury our loved ones in makeshift graves."

More on:

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
This is a video of me burying my 11 cousins. During the genocide in, the act of burial has become a painful experience that has lost all its traditional meaning. we are forced to quickly bury our loved ones in makeshift graves. Important customs like communal mourning, prayers, and the gentle preparation of bodies have been replaced by a sense of urgency and deep despair. The traditions that once offered comfort and meaning in times of grief are now swallowed by chaos and the relentless sound of bombings, leaving us to mourn in an environment of unbearable sorrow.

"100,000+ are injured and urgently need to be evacuated from Gaza. Guess who controls who leaves Gaza? The same people who caused the injuries. In the past 6 months, only 250 people have been evacuated from Gaza for treatment. The Israeli government is systematically killing us, starving us, and not allowing us to receive medical care in Gaza or abroad."


#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Ende des Liveblogs

Für heute beenden wir diesen Liveblog. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Ende-des-Liveblogs
🕦 11.11. 23:33 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Those people who voted for Trump because of the Dems military support for Israel are about to get a very rude awakening.

#Trump #gaza #israel #UN

Wat dan weer wel fijn is: een mooie #anderetijden uitzending over Palestijnen in Vlaardingen. Terugkijken is de moeite waard! #Israel #Palestina

Por si hay dudas: los judíos no tienen nada que ver con este genocidio.

Israel(Gobierno) y judaísmo son dos cosas diferentes

Llevan ejecutando una invasión desde hace décadas y que ahora pretenden culminar con un exterminio.

Que no te engañen: el fascismo es el problema.

"Judíos ortodoxos quemando la bandera sionista israelí en Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Nueva York.

Israel no es el estado de los judíos.

Israel no es un estado judío."
(Vía: TorahJudaism)

#Israel #Palestine

Israeli Govt waits for Trump victory to take ownership of cyber-attack designed to maim and blind thousands across Lebanon.

Pagers sent a notification message moments before detonating, enticing victims to look at them.


#lebanon #israel #uspol

Shame of the world...

Specially Americans, Britts and Germans funding and arming the genocidal regime of Netanyahu.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel
Gaza is the home of the cohort of children amputees in history.

"“Though the Israeli government likes to frame everything that is happening now as a response to October 7, this is a preexisting agenda,” says Klein, whose latest essay for The Guardian explores how Israel “has made trauma a weapon of war.”"
#gaza #palestine #israel #colonialism #shockdoctrine #msnbc

Die Polizei erklärte, das Feuer sei schnell gelöscht worden. Beamte der Bereitschaftspolizei räumten den Platz, obwohl nicht klar war, wer die Unruhen ausgelöst hatte oder ob sie mit den Gewalttaten der letzten Woche zusammenhingen.#UnruhenundAusschreitungen #Israel #Niederlande #Gewalt


Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study."
#gaza #palestine #israel #colonialism #ShockDoctrine #msnbc

[22:57] LIVE | Buitenlandminister Sa’ar: ’Het duurde te lang totdat politie Amsterdam de orde wist te herstellen’

De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.


#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische

USA attackieren Ziele in Syrien

Die US-Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben neun Ziele an zwei Orten in Syrien angegriffen, die in Zusammenhang mit iranischen Gruppen standen. Details wurden nicht genannt.

Die Angriffe seien eine Reaktion auf Angriffe gegen US-Einheiten in Syrien in den vergangenen 24 Stunden, hieß es im Netzwerk X.

🐦 https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1856088134028558467

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#USA-attackieren-Ziele-in-Syrien
🕚 11.11. 23:02 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ USA melden Angriffe auf Ziele in Syrien ++

Die US-Armee hat Ziele in Syrien angegriffen. Es seien mit Iran verbündete Gruppen getroffen worden. Die Hisbollah hat nach israelischen Angaben rund 165 Raketen auf den Norden Israels abgefeuert. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog

#gaza #palestine #israel #colonialism #shockdoctrine #msnbc

Nach Israels Angriff auf Iran seien die dort vermuteten Atomanlagen verwundbarer denn je, sagt Israel Katz kurz nach Amtsantritt – das solle man nutzen. Bisher waren die USA dagegen einen solchen Schritt.#Iran #Israel #Libanon #Hisbollah #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #USA

Saudi crown prince says Israel committing 'genocide' in Gaza

Empty words unless they're followed up with action.

#Palestine #Israel