Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind
You can't criticize the something that by being an end-user you are in effect advocating, you can just turn it off you know, no-one is forcing your hand.
NSW Health launched just 12 prosecutions for illegal vape sales over 18 months, penalties labelled 'ludicrously low'
There have been just 12 successful convictions for selling illegal nicotine vapes in NSW in 18 months. NSW Health Minister Ryan Park says the government will invest $4.Tony Ibrahim (ABC News)
Government supports massive penalty regime for Coles and Woolworths recommended in Emerson review
The federal government says it supports fines of up to 10 per cent of Coles' and Woolworths' annual revenue if they are found to be mistreating suppliers, as it begins to move on the supermarket giants.Jake Evans (ABC News)
The artist who created the art in a public toilet dubbed the “Cistern Chapel” claims the national broadcaster showed his work without attribution, a court has heard. #copyright #moralrights #Attribution #ABC #auslaw #auspol
TikTok said Kohut’s account had been banned from the platform as it was in violation of its community guidelines. “Content that depicts or promotes the sale or trade of tobacco, including novel nicotine products, is prohibited by our strict Community Guidelines,” a spokesperson said. “In addition, the advertisement of vaping products is also forbidden on TikTok.”
#tobacco #socialmedia #auslaw #auspol
Climate risk assessment report warns of threats to healthcare, finance and infrastructure
Rising temperatures and extreme weather events will heap even more stress on sectors already under severe strain unless effective mitigation strategies are developed, according to the government's climate risk assessment report.Nick Grimm (ABC News)
“It can’t only be rich people who can afford to run and fund electoral campaigns,” he said. #auslaw #auspol #nativetitle #climate #IndigenousIp
The Gomeroi win puts native title holders in a stronger position to fight fossil fuel projects on their land
A first-of-its-kind legal decision puts native title holders in a stronger position when fighting fossil fuel projects. The Gomeroi people won their appeal against the Native Title Tribunal.The Conversation
‘Inequality serves no-one’: Australia finally has a strategy to achieve gender equality - but is it any good?
While there is much to applaud in the government’s strategy, it neglects to deal with the unequal gender impacts of climate change.The Conversation #ASEAN #trade #investment #infrastructure #auspol #auslaw
News media bargaining code
The News Media Bargaining Code governs commercial relationships between Australian news businesses and ‘designated’ digital platforms who benefit from a significant bargaining power imbalance.Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
After the ASIO spy boss spilled the beans, a giant game of Cluedo broke out in the halls of democracy
After the spy news broke, Thursday morning in Parliament House was pleasantly given over to a Cluedo-type game as politicians searched for one of their own, write Annabel Crabb and Brett Worthington.Annabel Crabb (ABC News)
Crackdown on 3D-printed guns in South Australia
3D-printed guns are cheap and easy to manufacture and they're circulating in communities.Sarah Swain (9News)
Palmer Coolum Resort ex-employees receive thousands of dollars compensation after unfair dismissals
Billionaire Clive Palmer's Queensland resort suddenly fired 125 employees in August, with the workplace tribunal criticising the handling of several terminations.Josh Dye (ABC News)
Lisa Wood #righttohousing #auslaw #auspol
Wanted Sydney property developer Jean Nassif sends millions to Lebanon, Nigeria in potential fraud, administrators say
The Sydney property developer could face more criminal action over "potential fraud", as the administrators allege he sent millions of dollars to Lebanon and Nigeria before his business empire collapsed.Xanthe Gregory (ABC News)
#AusPol #AusLaw #AusGov
Thousands gather at Invasion Day rallies, calling for rethink of Australia Day
Thousands of people gather at Invasion Day rallies across the country, backing Indigenous calls for a change or abolishment of Australia Day.ABC News
Claims at the beginning of article need substantiating. Its pure speculation that workers lives will be better or that pay packets will be larger.
Bringing wealth into our economy is no comfort when only the top 5% are getting a share of it.
#Australia #auspol
Properties acquired for 'axed' Mooloolah River Interchange despite scrapped federal funding
When the federal government withdrew its support and the cost more than doubled for a major road project on the Sunshine Coast many believed it wouldn't happen. Were they wrong?Jessica Ross (ABC News)
Not reported here, but there’s been astoundingly pervasive campaign to spread claims of ‘Chemtrails’ and ‘Geoengineering’ conspiracy as the reason for why the South-East Queensland was affected.
Gold Coast locals that follow LNP MP social media seem most subscriptive of the conspiracy, using the conspiracy theory to deflect and distract climate change awareness.
#ClimateCrisis #QldPol #AusPol
More storms and a heatwave are on the way for Queensland after wild weather wreaks havoc over Christmas
More intense storms are forecast to hit south-east Queensland on the weekend, just days after the region endured several deadly weather systems, including a "mini cyclone".Mackenzie Colahan (ABC News)
'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'
#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol
ExxonMobil, Woodside, Santos: Investigation finds sustainable super funds littered with $1 billion fossil fuel investment
An ABC investigation into the financial disclosures of sustainable or ethical-labelled super options finds extensive investment in shares of companies in the fossil fuel, gambling, alcohol and weapons manufacturing industries.Pat McGrath (ABC News)
Claimants of NT Stolen Generations class action settlement frustrated by payment delay
Eight months after their $50 million class action settlement was finalised with the Commonwealth, descendants of the Northern Territory's Stolen Generations are still waiting to receive compensation.Jane Bardon (ABC News)
#AusPol #VoiceToParliament
Overwhelming majority of Australians support a First Nations voice despite referendum defeat, finds ANU survey
Almost 90 per cent of Yes voters think First Nations Australians should have a say in matters affecting them. This did not surprise researchers — until they learned 76 per cent of No voters agreed.Tahlia Roy (ABC News)