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Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind

So it's all proceeding as Elon planned then, and yet so many of our politicians still have accounts, figure that one out.

You can't criticize the something that by being an end-user you are in effect advocating, you can just turn it off you know, no-one is forcing your hand.


easy, don’t buy plants from Bunnings. There are heaps of alternatives. It’s not like buying butter.


NSW Health launched just 12 prosecutions for illegal vape sales over 18 months, penalties labelled 'ludicrously low' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-03/nsw-vapes-illegal-sale-penalties-described-ludicrously-low/103629114 #vaping #ecigarettes #enforcement #healthlaw #auslaw #auspol NSW Health Minister flags raising penalties in NSW.

Government supports massive penalty regime for Coles and Woolworths recommended in Emerson review https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-08/government-backs-emerson-recommended-penalties-coles-woolworths/103680606 #competition #supermarkets #agriculture #food #auslaw #auspol

Artist behind Qld’s world-famous Cistern Chapel sues ABC over moral rights


The artist who created the art in a public toilet dubbed the “Cistern Chapel” claims the national broadcaster showed his work without attribution, a court has heard. #copyright #moralrights #Attribution #ABC #auslaw #auspol

TikTok bans account of Australian influencer who promoted nicotine pouches in viral videos https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/28/tiktok-ban-stefan-kohut-account-nicotine-pouches-promotion-snus

TikTok said Kohut’s account had been banned from the platform as it was in violation of its community guidelines. “Content that depicts or promotes the sale or trade of tobacco, including novel nicotine products, is prohibited by our strict Community Guidelines,” a spokesperson said. “In addition, the advertisement of vaping products is also forbidden on TikTok.”

#tobacco #socialmedia #auslaw #auspol

It is usually very difficult to get Australian political parties to agree on anything - but, with an uncanny genius, Meta has managed to unite them all https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/28/meta-facebook-news-tab-instagram-fears-blocked-australian-government-regulation #auspol #auslaw #socialmedia

Climate risk assessment report warns of threats to healthcare, finance and infrastructure https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-12/federal-climate-risk-assessment-report-released/103575542 via @ABCaustralia #climate #health #finance #infrastructure #auspol #auslaw

The Albanese government is preparing legislation to cap political donations and electoral spending, citing the influence of Palmer’s hundreds of millions of electoral spending, backed by donations from his company Mineralogy to the United Australia Party. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/12/clive-palmer-labor-political-donations-cap-legislation-comments #auslaw #auspol #advertising #impliedfreedom Guardian Australia first revealed in July 2022 that the special minister of state, Don Farrell, planned to legislate truth-in-political-advertising laws and spending caps, an intention confirmed in June 2023 when he said the government “can’t allow our electoral system to be held hostage by rich people”.

“It can’t only be rich people who can afford to run and fund electoral campaigns,” he said.

Climate litigation - The Gomeroi win puts native title holders in a stronger position to fight fossil fuel projects on their land
https://theconversation.com/the-gomeroi-win-puts-native-title-holders-in-a-stronger-position-to-fight-fossil-fuel-projects-on-their-land-225284 #auslaw #auspol #nativetitle #climate #IndigenousIp

Are you related to Susan Harris Rimmer by blood or marriage, perchance?
Thanks for tooting this piece. Many interesting points therein. 👍
#IWD #IWD2024

‘Inequality serves no-one’: Australia finally has a strategy to achieve gender equality - but is it any good? https://theconversation.com/inequality-serves-no-one-australia-finally-has-a-strategy-to-achieve-gender-equality-but-is-it-any-good-225081 via @ConversationEDU #IWD #auspol

While the Australia Act and Code could be criticised in various ways, it is a categorical error to identify it as a copyright problem. The Australian Act is a combination of media and communications law, competition law, and treasury powers https://www.accc.gov.au/by-industry/digital-platforms-and-services/news-media-bargaining-code/news-media-bargaining-code The Act is not a copyright act. The Act specifically excludes trade secrets as well. The government is not relying on the IP power under the Constitution. #auslaw #auspol #competitionlaw #medialaw #treasurypowers Not #copyright

After the ASIO spy boss spilled the beans, a giant game of Cluedo broke out in the halls of democracy https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-29/giant-game-of-cluedo-breaks-out-in-halls-of-democracy/103529058 #auspol #auslaw #espionage #foreigninfluence

Palmer Coolum Resort ex-employees receive thousands of dollars compensation after unfair dismissals https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-11/clive-palmer-resort-staff-compensation-unfair-dismissals/103446926 #auslaw #auspol #laborlaw #unfairdismissal

Wanted Sydney property developer Jean Nassif sends millions to Lebanon, Nigeria in potential fraud, administrators say https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-03/toplace-jean-nassif-potential-fraud-more-criminal-charges/103423464 #property #fraud #auslaw #auspol

It should be illegal for mining companies to donate to political parties just like property developers they directly benefit from influencing government decisions. #auspol

Good to see some homegrown talent making it on the world stage. #auspol

Looks a bit underwhelming to me. Husic is using a narrow definition of harm that doesn't include harm that was not intended, or harm to our society and culture as a whole.

Claims at the beginning of article need substantiating. Its pure speculation that workers lives will be better or that pay packets will be larger.

Bringing wealth into our economy is no comfort when only the top 5% are getting a share of it.

#Australia #auspol

Labor shelves election promise for inquiry into prosecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/jan/12/labor-shelves-election-promise-for-inquiry-into-prosecution-of-witness-k-and-bernard-collaery Plans for investigation into Timor bugging scandal have failed to transpire more than 18 months after government was elected. #auslaw #auspol

Acquisition of property - Properties acquired for 'axed' Mooloolah River Interchange despite scrapped federal funding https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-08/properties-resumed-acquired-for-axed-mooloolah-interchange/103282138 via @ABCaustralia #property #auslaw #auspol

Queensland to see more storms and a heatwave on the way, after wild weather wreaks havoc over Christmas.


Not reported here, but there’s been astoundingly pervasive campaign to spread claims of ‘Chemtrails’ and ‘Geoengineering’ conspiracy as the reason for why the South-East Queensland was affected.
Gold Coast locals that follow LNP MP social media seem most subscriptive of the conspiracy, using the conspiracy theory to deflect and distract climate change awareness.
#ClimateCrisis #QldPol #AusPol

'An ABC analysis of financial disclosures of the sustainable or ethical-labelled super options has revealed 12 of them collectively hold almost $1.2 billion worth of fossil fuel industry shares.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-14/sustainable-ethical-super-funds-with-fossil-fuel-investment/103196032

'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'

#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol

Claimants of NT Stolen Generations class action settlement frustrated by payment delay https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-12/nt-stolen-generations-settlement-delay/103208670 #IndigenousIP #auslaw #auspol

The Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 has finally passed the Australian Senate tonight at 9:30 pm with some small amendments. https://medium.com/p/3d8323f35326 https://parlwork.aph.gov.au/Bills/r7083 #auslaw #auspol #health #smoking #tobacco

Overwhelming majority of Australians support a First Nations voice despite referendum defeat, finds ANU survey

#AusPol #VoiceToParliament