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Beiträge, die mit Blackandwhite getaggt sind

Widmo Brockenu widziane zza chmury, na której powstało. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień #blackandwhite #bw #nature #mountains #ski #blog #codziennosc #writefreelypl #writeblog(malutka kropka to głowa).
Czarno białe zdjęcie obrazuje tworzenia tzw. widma Brockenu,  widziane zza chmury, na której powstaje. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień na chmurę. 

The black and white photo illustrates the formation of the so-called Brocken spectrum, as seen from behind the cloud on which it is formed. A figure can also be seen casting a shadow on the cloud.

Picture a Day: Nov 19 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-nov-19/

#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #Fuji #GFX50s

An actual picture taken today for the picture of the day


#photography #blog #diner #Fuji #x100t #BlackAndWhite


#photography #blog #cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #BlackAndWhite #Superheadz #SunAndCloud

Bringing you daily(ish) film photos
A change of scene. A few photos from Cazorla, before we return to the second abandoned Cortijo.

Camera: Leica IIIg
Film: Ilford Delta 400 @ 200
Developer: Spur Acurol-N 1+50 10min @20C

Photo GPS location: http://www.google.com/maps/place/37.909119,-3.000300

#photography #believeinfilm #filmphotography #analogphotography #filmisnotdead #blackandwhite #bnw #cazorla
A black-and-white photo of two iron benches in the foreground. To the left is the oldest of the three squares in Cazorla. Beyond that, houses rise vertically on an almost vertical cliff, seemingly defying gravity.