Beiträge, die mit APPLEWATCH getaggt sind
The $20 million Apple Watch settlement could mean a payout for you – here’s how to qualify
The $20 million Apple Watch settlement could mean a payout for you - here's how to qualify
Claims are being processed automatically, but you'll need to update your information to make sure you receive anything from Apple.Artie Beaty (ZDNET)
Giftige Chemie am Handgelenk? Apple Watch könnte unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen haben - und zwar nicht nur auf den Kontostand. #AppleWatch,148375.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Klage: Apple Watch-Bänder enthalten giftige Ewigkeits-Chemikalien
Eine Sammelklage wirft Apple vor, in Watch-Armbändern gesundheitsschädliche PFAS zu verwenden. Der Konzern weist die Anschuldigungen zurück und betont die Sicherheit seiner Produkte. Die Vorwürfe basieren auf einer Studie. Eine Einordnung.John Woll (
"So I decided to make Apple Watch work with my Android phone using open-source applications, interoperable protocols and 3rd party services."
Strong anti-Apple sentiment aside, this is a fascinating read.
Apple #Android #AppleWatch
Strong anti-Apple sentiment aside, this is a fascinating read.
Apple #Android #AppleWatch
An everyday capitalism-related warning: if you’re planning on buying an Apple Watch online with the solo loop, don’t. You can’t just send the strap back if there’s a problem with it (mine caused contact dermatitis after a few day’s use). They’ll happily take the whole order back though because, well, fuck you, I guess. Anyway, caveat emptor and all that. And your daily reminder that trillion-dollar corporations are all asshats.
Right, as you were.
#apple #appleWatch #watch #soloLoop #warning
Right, as you were.
#apple #appleWatch #watch #soloLoop #warning