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Beiträge, die mit GenerationX getaggt sind

GEN-X (noun): A generation that perfected skepticism, but mistook it for action, scoffed at heroism, and let the villains win. Now we must teach our children the urgency of a fight we were too cool to join.


#Trump is YOUR FAULT kid.🖕😂

"#GenerationX has never quite fit in within any easy political framing. It’s the generation that produced grunge rock and gangsta rap but also the (generation of) “greed is good" In fact, if there was any popular image of this generation’s politics, it was that they were apolitical... almost devoid of political inclination save a generalized cynicism..."

How #GenX Delivered the Election to #DonaldTrump

https://jjmilt.substack.com/p/how-gen-x-delivered-the-election #BoomersRevenge