Beiträge, die mit HumanRightswatch getaggt sind
Red Cross says determining fate of Syria’s missing ‘huge challenge’ - EUROPE SAYS
Determining the fate of those who went missing during Syria’s civil war will be a massive task likelyEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Red Cross says determining fate of Syria’s missing ‘huge challenge’
Determining the fate of those who went missing during Syria’s civil war will be a massive task likely to take years, the president of the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) said.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
End Abusive #SexTesting for Women Athletes (4 dec 2020)
The test violates rights and ruins lives
#EndSexTesting #TransvestigationIsBULLYING #TransvestigatingHurtsEVERYONE
End Abusive Sex Testing for Women Athletes
Women track and field athletes, largely from the Global South, are abused and harmed by “sex testing” regulations, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.Human Rights Watch
SUA îşi exprimă dezacordul cu privire la acuzaţiile de „genocid” aduse Israelului prin raportul ONG-ului Human Rights Watch
Statele Unite şi-au exprimat joi dezacordul faţă de concluziile raportului ONG-ului Human Rights Watch (HRW) care acuză Israelul, aliat al Washingtonului,Redacția (G4media)
»Die israelischen Behörden haben gezielt Lebensbedingungen geschaffen, die auf die Zerstörung der palästinensischen Zivilbevölkerung im Gazastreifen abzielen, indem sie dieser vorsätzlich den Zugang zu sauberem Wasser verwehrt haben, was höchstwahrscheinlich zu Tausenden Todesfällen führte.«🧵
Israels Verbrechen in Gaza: Ausrottung und Völkermordhandlungen
- Die israelischen Behörden haben der palästinensischen Zivilbevölkerung in Gaza seit Oktober 2023 vorsätzlich den Zugang zu Wasser verwehrt, was höchstwahrscheinlich zu Tausenden von Todesfällen geführt hat und somit das Verbrechen gegen die Menschl…Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch acuză Israelul de „acte de genocid” prin limitarea accesului la apă
Organizaţia internaţională Human Rights Watch (HRW) estimează într-un raport publicat joi că Israelul comite ''acte de genocid'' prin restrângereaRedacția (G4media)
#Israel #Gaza #HumanRightsWatch
Israel’s Crime of Extermination, Acts of Genocide in Gaza
Israeli authorities have intentionally deprived Palestinian civilians in Gaza of adequate access to water since October 2023, most likely resulting in thousands of deaths and thus committing the crime against humanity of extermination and acts of gen…Human Rights Watch
"Ensure Civilians’ Right to Shelter, Food, Health, Basic Necessities"
"Tens of thousands of civilians seeking safety in Kurdish-controlled northeast #Syria are facing dire conditions due to the lack of adequate shelter, water, food, and health care, Human Rights Watch said today. All parties to the conflict in Syria are obligated to ensure the unimpeded flow of aid, safe passage to fleeing civilians, and protection for those who stay.
On November 27, a coalition of armed groups including Hay’et Tahrir al Sham (#HTS) and the Syrian National Army (#SNA) opened military operations against the former government of Bashar al-Assad. Seeking safety from SNA factions seizing territory throughout #Aleppo governorate, more than 100,000 people fled to areas governed by the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (#AANES). The situation is exacerbating an acute and longstanding crisis, with overcrowded camps and severely damaged infrastructure and a lack of water, power, healthcare, food, and weather-appropriate shelter. …"
#refugees #displacement #Rojava #Manbij #HumanRightsWatch #Kurds
Northeast Syria: Displacement Worsens Aid Crisis
Tens of thousands of civilians seeking safety in Kurdish-controlled northeastern Syria are facing dire conditions due to the lack of adequate shelter, water, food and health care.Human Rights Watch
YK:n mukaan Gazassa ainakin 1,9 miljoonaa ihmistä on joutunut siirtymään sotatoimien tieltä. HRW kirjoittaa raportissaan, ettei se ole löytänyt riittäviä sotilaallisia perusteluita, jotka olisivat oikeuttaneet laajoihin pakkosiirtoihin.
#Ulkomaat #HumanRightsWatch #Ihmisoikeudet #Lähiitä #Israel #Gazansota #Palestiinalaisalueet #Hamas
Gaza: HRW accuses Israel of war crime with displacements
The rights group says the forced evacuation of 1.9m people amounts to a crime against humanity.David Gritten (BBC News)
#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #Politique #politics #International #Israel #Gaza #HumanRightsWatch #HRW
Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen
election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales europé
#crimenesdelesahumanidad #derechointernacional #limpiezaetnica #israel #derechoshumanos #gaza #humanrightswatch #global #genocidio #hrw
Human Rights Watch acusa a Israel de llevar a cabo una "limpieza étnica" en Gaza
La organización no gubernamental defensora de los derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW) considera que las autoridades israelíes llevan a cabo una "limpieza étnica" en la Franja de Gaza, donde se está produciendo un desplazamiento forzado de pales…Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
Human Rights Watch said in a report that Israel's repeated evacuation orders in Gaza amount to the "war crime of forcible transfer", and to "ethnic cleansing" in parts of the Palestinian territory.
#HumanRightsWatch #Israel #Gaza #Palestinian