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Beiträge, die mit IChing getaggt sind

« All of this points to the power possessed by a superior personality. On the one hand, such a man will have a view of the real sentiments of the great mass of humanity and therefore cannot be deceived; on the other, he will impress the people so profoundly, by his mere existence and by the impact of his personality, that they will be swayed by him as the grass by the wind. »

— Hexagram #20 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/746423255240409088/all-of-this-points-to-the-power-possessed-by-a

#quotes #IChing #contemplation #greatness

« For that is truly great power which does not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the fundamental principles of right and of justice. When we understand this point — namely, that greatness and justice must be indissolubly united — we understand the true meaning of all that happens in heaven and on earth. »

— Hexagram #34 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/745505680834854912/for-that-is-truly-great-power-which-does-not

#quotes #IChing #power #justice #greatness #meaning

« Thunder — electrical energy — mounts upward in the spring. The direction of this movement is in harmony with that of the movement of heaven. It is therefore a movement in accord with heaven, producing great power. However, true greatness depends on being in harmony with what is right. Therefore in times of great power the superior man avoids doing anything that is not in harmony with the established order. »

— Hexagram #34 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/745415128279859200/thunder-electrical-energy-mounts-upward-in-the

#quotes #iching #order

« One must not unresistingly let himself be swept along by unfavorable circumstances, nor permit his steadfastness to be shaken. He can avoid this by maintaining his inner light, while remaining outwardly yielding and tractable. With this attitude he can overcome even the greatest adversities. »

― Hexagram #36 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/722592217737347072/one-must-not-unresistingly-let-himself-be-swept

#quotes #IChing #DarkeningOfTheLight #InnerLight

« Heaven has the same direction of movement as fire, yet it is different from fire. Just as the luminaries in the sky serve for the systematic division and arrangement of time, so human society and all things that really belong together must be organically arranged. Fellowship should not be a mere mingling of individuals or of things — that would be chaos, not fellowship. If fellowship is to lead to … »

— Hexagram #13 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/744431188397129728/heaven-has-the-same-direction-of-movement-as-fire

#quotes #iching #fellowship

« True fellowship among men must be based upon a concern that is universal. It is not the private interests of the individual that create lasting fellowship among men, but rather the goals of humanity. »

— Hexagram #13 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/743528434662293504/the-idea-of-return-is-based-on-the-course-of

#quotes #iching #fellowship #humanity

« In winter the life energy, symbolized by thunder, the Arousing, is still underground. Movement is just at its beginning; therefore it must be strengthened by rest so that it will not be dissipated by being used prematurely. This principle, i.e., of allowing energy that is renewing itself to be reinforced by rest, applies to all similar situations. The return of health after illness, the return of … »

— Hexagram 24 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/743709817510805504/in-winter-the-life-energy-symbolized-by-thunder

#quotes #iching #return

« After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has been banished returns. There is movement, but it is not brought about by force. The upper trigram K’un is characterized by devotion; thus the movement is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy. The old is discarded and the new is introduced. Both measures accord with the time; … »

— Hexagram #24 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/743618622995447808/after-a-time-of-decay-comes-the-turning-point-the

#quotes #iching #return

« The idea of return is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth. »

— Hexagram #24 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/743528434662293504/the-idea-of-return-is-based-on-the-course-of

#quotes #iching #return #nature

« … Unlimited possibilities are not suited to man; if they existed, his life would only dissolve in the boundless… »

— I Ching Hexagram #60

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/742973426906562561/in-nature-there-are-fixed-limits-for-summer-and

#quotes #iching #limitation #morality #duty