Beiträge, die mit Leather getaggt sind
So, unfollow or block me if you will, but this is so true! #Pleather is #Microplastic pollution! Yes, #Leather is made from skin of animals, but IT LASTS! And it doesn't cause microplastic pollution! And it can be tanned sustainably (I've done it with acorns). If animals are going to be killed (and yes, whether for meat or old age, animals will die) -- it's better to utilize them fully rather than use #Plastics!
#ProWool #ProLeather #ProBees
#ProWool #ProLeather #ProBees
#News: The #EU Parliament has postponed #EUDR #Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by 1 year despite calls from #ecology experts for strong action NOW. A new report by #Earthsight links political party #EPP with political donations from Mercedes Benz and #BMW, who import cow #leather from #Brazil for their cars. #corruption in EUDR's implementation abound and must be STOPPED! In the meatime, #indigenous, #animals and #forests suffer! #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Parties gutting EUDR received donations from companies tied to illegal deforestation: Report
Parties members of the European People’s Party (EPP), a large center-right political party, received political donations from influential companies linked to illegal deforestation and which are likely to benefit from changes to a key EU forest protec…Latoya Abulu (Conservation news)