Beiträge, die mit Maturation getaggt sind
― Robert Browning
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#quotes #RobertBrowning #progress #maturation #HumanNature #life #mankind
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Progress is The law of life: man is not Man as yet. — Robert Browningpoligraf (Tumblr)
« Ascent, » a poem written in March 2020 which documents some of the challenges of spiritual ascension…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#maturity #destiny #hope #humanity #spirit #karma #faith #maturation #insights
now that the truth is out and edges the windup say did you really doubt of where you would end up…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
For those to whom through pain
At last comes wisdom’s gain. »
— Aeschylus
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#quotes #Aeschylus #justice #pain #karma #maturation #humanity #wisdom
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Justice turns the scale For those to whom through pain At last comes wisdom's gain. — Aeschyluspoligraf (Tumblr)
« You Hear Me Now, » a poem about the struggles of outgrowing older versions of oneself…
#writing ✏️ #writerscommunity #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #maturation #maturity #karma #GrowingUp #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #humanity #KarmicProcess #PersonalGrowth #Substack
You Hear Me Now
should you ever o my darling hear that i am forever gone…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
a new poem titled « At The Heart Of Despair » that aims to convey constructive interpretations of apparently undesirable experiences…
#writing ✏️ #poetry #poems #TheWingedLife @poetry #CreativeWriting #selfpublish #authors #indie #PoetryLovers
#Light #Faith #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #KarmicProcess #Maturation #Maturity #Humanity #DivineIntelligence #IrrationalIntelligence #Heart #Despair
At The Heart Of Despair
that unscheduled passage through the echo chamber where worshippers of night stare at a shrine to gloom…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
« Mother Of Pearl » is built around the idea that divinely orchestrated challenges lead individuals to their fullest expression, like irritants cause oysters to yield pearls…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #indie #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#lyrics #PersonalDevelopment #destiny #IrrationalIntelligence #DivineIntelligence #pearls #maturation #maturity #oysters
Mother Of Pearl
told love was not for me i used to play the fool blind to my own folly yet in me you saw the jewel…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
― Augustine of Hippo
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#quotes #AugustineOfHippo #StAugustine #light #beauty #maturation