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Beiträge, die mit despair getaggt sind

« In strange and uncertain times such as those we are living in, sometimes a reasonable person might despair. But hope is unreasonable and love is greater even than this. May we trust the inexpressible benevolence of the creative impulse. »

— Robert Fripp

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/736006450832408576/in-strange-and-uncertain-times-such-as-those-we

#quotes #RobertFripp #hope #love #despair #creativeimpulse #benevolence

I really had to feel sympathy for the view put forward in a comment on 'The Register'

Alt text gives the gist

Post from the Resister 

Stop paying attention to "the fucking news".

The economy is fucked. The climate is fucked. Most men in positions of power fuck too much. Democracy is fucked. Nobody "in charge" gives a fuck unless it affects their fucking wallet. And thousands upon thousands of people are dying for fucking stupid reasons that amount to somebody thinking "fuck you" and backing that up with fucking bombs.

And there's roughly fuck all we can do about it.
It's fucking depressing. Just fucking turn the fucking news off.
Icon, because even fucking nukes are in the fucking news now. Fuck my life...

We live in a world full of awful people.

people with no #empathy , full of #hate and anger towards those who haven't done them no wrong.

it gets so lonely when you realize so many people around you are capable and tolerate such inhumanity. some even support it, defending it and even worse promoting it.

#Gaza uncovered how many awful people live among us.

#Inhumanity #FamousQuotes #Quote #Loneliness #Despair #Genocide

I'm not sure I can keep using masto right now. It's impossible to mute the type of political despair that I can't afford to expose myself to right now, as people don't hashtag these things reliably. So if I disappear for a bit, that would be why.
#despair #politics @actuallyautistic