Beiträge, die mit Maturity getaggt sind
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #NicholasRoerich #mankind #ancestors #maturity
« Ascent, » a poem written in March 2020 which documents some of the challenges of spiritual ascension…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#maturity #destiny #hope #humanity #spirit #karma #faith #maturation #insights
now that the truth is out and edges the windup say did you really doubt of where you would end up…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
« You Hear Me Now, » a poem about the struggles of outgrowing older versions of oneself…
#writing ✏️ #writerscommunity #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #maturation #maturity #karma #GrowingUp #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #humanity #KarmicProcess #PersonalGrowth #Substack
You Hear Me Now
should you ever o my darling hear that i am forever gone…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
― David Starr Jordan
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#quotes #DavidStarrJordan #excellence #RightLiving #DoTheRightThing #Virtue #Maturity
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living. — David Starr Jordanpoligraf (Tumblr)
a new poem titled « At The Heart Of Despair » that aims to convey constructive interpretations of apparently undesirable experiences…
#writing ✏️ #poetry #poems #TheWingedLife @poetry #CreativeWriting #selfpublish #authors #indie #PoetryLovers
#Light #Faith #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #KarmicProcess #Maturation #Maturity #Humanity #DivineIntelligence #IrrationalIntelligence #Heart #Despair
At The Heart Of Despair
that unscheduled passage through the echo chamber where worshippers of night stare at a shrine to gloom…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
― Paul of Tarsus
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#quotes #PaulOfTarsus #StPaul #Good #Evil #morality #purity #maturity
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. — Paul of Tarsuspoligraf (Tumblr)
― Felix Adler
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#quotes #FelixAdler #morality #maturity #humanity #good #evil
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
The question for anyone to decide, who hesitates between good and evil, is whether he aspires to be a full-weight man, or merely the fragment, nay, the counterfeit of a man. Only he who ceaselessly...poligraf (Tumblr)
« Mother Of Pearl » is built around the idea that divinely orchestrated challenges lead individuals to their fullest expression, like irritants cause oysters to yield pearls…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #indie #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#lyrics #PersonalDevelopment #destiny #IrrationalIntelligence #DivineIntelligence #pearls #maturation #maturity #oysters
Mother Of Pearl
told love was not for me i used to play the fool blind to my own folly yet in me you saw the jewel…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
a poem titled « The Miracle Is Worth The Wait » that was written around the end of november 2012, but was never released in that particular form, and eventually yielded the lyrics of a song with the same name…
#writing ✏️ #writerscommunity #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #OriginalPoem #indie #selfpublish #author #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#faith #hope #destiny #maturity #humanity #spirit
The Miracle Is Worth The Wait
a welcome pause in the struggle magnificent break in the clouds enjoy the rest, tired angel restore your strength far from the crowds…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)