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Beiträge, die mit amateurradio getaggt sind

Finally finished the 12 days of Christmas:

Partridge in a pear tree W2P
Two turtle doves W2T
Three French hens W2F
Four calling birds W2C
Five gold rings W2R
Six geese a-laying W2G
Seven swans a-swimming W2S
Eight maids a-milking W2M/8
Nine ladies dancing W2L
10 lords a-leaping K2L
11 pipers piping K2P/8
12 drummers drumming W2D


There are 12 amateur radio stations around the world each representing the 12 days of Christmas. I've spoken to 6 of them today, hope to finish the other 6 tomorrow. Great fun with #amateurradio

HamClock provides real time space weather, radio propagation models, and other info useful to radio amateurs

The image shows a global HamClock map, primarily focusing on the Southern Hemisphere. In the foreground, there is a detailed display of propagation data, including colours for different frequency bands. There are also smaller panes showing information for a local location as well as a DX location. Top left is a amateur radio call sign ZS1OSS visible.
This is a highly customisable application that draws in all sorts of technical information that can help radio amateurs. Each pane can be changed to show relevant information.

What I really like is the frequency / band projections to any specific DX location. One really has to read the manual, though, to get full use out of the app. For non-hams though, it is still a very interesting app, being able to show time and distance to any location, as well as weather conditions at those locations.

The app runs on Linux (your desktop, a Raspberry Pi, etc) and is accessed via your web browser (any OS). If it does not start properly, especially on a desktop, just make sure nothing else has already got that network port in use, e.g. in my case SyncThing was hogging it, and I moved SyncThing to port 8083. You can also start HamClock with a ‘-w port’ to specify what web port it should use.

To exit the app, or look at diagnostics, etc, you can long-click for 3 seconds on the padlock symbol to get a pop-up actions menu.

See https://www.clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock
#Blog, #amateurradio, #hamradio, #technology

Its been a while since the event, but I have been waiting for Ham Radio DX to upload the presentations :)

The Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference was held on the first weekend in November, with a heap of fantastic presentations.

Check out my post for my brief experience and links to some excellent presentations!


#hamradio #conference #amateurradio