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Beiträge, die mit anti getaggt sind

Cutting the size has increased the cost in most cases in the past decades. It has also decreased the quality of the outcome in most occasions. The only goal this neoliberal populism has achieved is to destabilize and weaken labor and its organized resistance, which is the true face of neoliberalism.

#Neoliberalism =anti-#Syndicalism = #Fascism = #anti-communsim

It is capital's reaction to labor organization for 1.5 centuries, dressed with pseudo-ideology and tons of #populism


Pseudo #libertarian pro-capitalists

The target was organized labor, the goal to defend capital. The ideology was manufactured to recruit and confuse people through populism. "How do you get the poor to defend the rich against the organized poor."




Deep dark state
#neoliberalism #anarcho-capitalism #fascism #anti-communism #minacrchism

against #coomunism #syndicalism #anarchism #communalism

Gaaaanz toll !
Jemand, den ich gar nicht kenne ( die #Gemini KI) erfährt also, welche #Wochenendaktivitäten ich plane und auch noch, mit wem. Das ist sowas von #Anti-#Privacy.

#cybersecurity #datenkrakegoogle

"Economic parasites stole additional us$2tn from everyone else in 2024." #news #ftfy #anti #journalism #guardian

Raoul Peck raconte Ernest Cole, le photographe de l’apartheid https://www.bondyblog.fr/opinions/interview/raoul-peck-raconte-ernest-cole-le-photographe-de-lapartheid/ #anti-colonialisme #Afriquedusud #colonialisme #photographie #ernestcole #Interview #apartheid #raoulpeck #Histoire #haïti

Here Come The Anti-Woke Venture Capitalists

A group called New Founding that says its “birthright is to lead Western civilization” is among firms (like 1789 Capital) building a new VC blueprint — and billionaire Marc Andreessen is in.

New Founding led by Nate Fischer has only raised $3mil (so far)

#NewFounding #NateFischer #AntiWoke #Anti-Woke


Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Contre-insurrection et antiterrorisme : l'ennemi est-il devenu bête ? https://paris-luttes.info/contre-insurrection-et-18863 #Paris19e #Résistancesetsolidaritésinternationales #contre-insurrection #débat-discussion #anti-terrorisme #impérialisme #antisionisme #Palestine