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Beiträge, die mit assistedDying getaggt sind

Inhaltswarnung: Assisted Dying & autonomy

Inhaltswarnung: Assisted dying

A social work practitioner’s view of obligations and ramifications of assisted dying

A thoughtful article on assisted dying from Scotland and worth a read even if you disagree with some of the premises and conclusions.


#AssistedDying #Scotland
Picture sunset looking towards the hills

Inhaltswarnung: Assisted dying, MAiD, eugenics

Diane Abbott raises fears GPs will find it cheaper to promote assisted dying

Get your act together Diane - what is it? Extra costs on the health service or cost savings?

Yes, palliative care DOES need improvements across the UK but it is not appropriate for everyone. It is OUR choice.


#assistedDying #UKPolitics #Abbott #Confusion

Who should have the last word on assisted dying in a secular Britain?

People Malik, people. Not bigots - secular or otherwise, just theose who are involved. This shite about 'people of fair and no faith' makes me cringe. Yes, we should tolerate people who believe in fairies - it is their right, but they must have no control over others lives. And Malik those 'faiths' wish to impose it on everyone. Grow up.


#UkPolitics #Shite #Malik #AssistedDying #DeadHand #Relifion

Inhaltswarnung: Assisted dying

Today is the Assisted Dying bill vote in the House of Commons; the debate has been emotional & seen both sides mobilise personal stories to try to shift the debate in their direction.

While the vote may be too close to call, its likely that this debate will continue either formally as the bill proceeds, or less formally as its supporters seek to regroup & figure out how to get it back onto the legislative agenda.

One thing the debate may have done is clarified things for many


Assisted dying - the 'debate' continues.

While I believe the article is superficial and more part of the Times campaign against Starmer than a decent analysis, I did appreciate the paragraph

'On that occasion Starmer ruled against prosecuting them and later changed the guidelines amid a storm of protest from critics ranging from those with deep ethical concerns to Nadine Dorries.'

http://archive.today/2024.11.28-101118/https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/assisted-dying-bill-threatens-to-overwhelm-starmers-agenda-bpz2d6t92 (archived)

#AssistedDying #UkPolitics #Times

So it turns out the Daily Express is very loudly supporting the Assisted Dying bill.... now, I support the bill (as has been clear from my posts over the last days/weeks) but if the Express supports it I now have a slight cause for concern.... what are they seeing that I am not????

Generally, I expect to find myself on the other side of any issue from the Express.....


Mortier v. Belgium, concerned a euthanasia of a 64-year-old woman with treatment-resistant depression and a personality disorder.

The state KILLED her

The appellant in the case was her son, who only learned of his mother's euthanasia the day after it was performed

You cannot support #assisteddying if you are against capital punishment.

How many rich people will be "assisted to die"? How many of us cannot afford expensive private medical care?

It is a cost-saving exercise. Palliative end-of-life care costs money. Assisted suicide is cheap. #assisteddying #assistedsuicide

Inhaltswarnung: Assisted Dying

Inhaltswarnung: assisted dying

Wes Streeting will vote against the assisted dying bill & is getting his department to assess the costs of provision.... but he then said that looking at the money saved in the NHS be assisted dying was a 'slippery slope', and:

'I would hate for people to opt for assisted dying because they think they’re saving someone somewhere money, whether that’s relatives or the NHS'....

The problem with the last statement it sort of sounds like a threat, not a dismissal?

#AssistedDying #NHS
h/t FT