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Beiträge, die mit batyam getaggt sind

This incident is not an isolated one. Israel has suffered bus bombings in the past. Enough so that when you get on the bus in Tel Aviv, you know you may not make it your destination. Evil, cowardly, deadly attacks on civilians.


"Israel narrowly avoided a massacre. Explosives planted on buses in Bat Yam, intended to detonate during the Friday morning rush hour, could have killed or maimed hundreds of innocent civilians."

#Israel #BatYam #bussss #editorial

Bus explosion aftermath, Bat Yam (photo credit: Via section 27a of copyright act)

Cenazesi tabuttan çıkmadı ipler gerildi: İsrail ve Hamas arasında yeni kriz https://www.sondakikam.com.tr/gundemden-haberler/cenazesi-tabuttan-cikmadi-ipler-gerildi-israil-ve-hamas-arasinda-yeni-kriz/7503 #İsrail #Hamas #BatYam