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Beiträge, die mit cellebrite getaggt sind

"The report is significant because it shows that although Cellebrite devices are typically designed to unlock or extract data from phones that authorities have physical access to, they can also be used to open the door for installing #activesurveillance technology. In these cases, the devices were infected with malware and then returned to the targets."

#Cellebrite Unlocked This Journalist’s Phone. Cops Then Infected it With #Malware (#spyware)

https://www.404media.co/cellebrite-unlocked-this-journalists-phone-cops-then-infected-it-with-malware/ #cybersecurity #cybersec

Amnistía Internacional revela que en #Serbia se está espiando a periodistas y activistas a gran escala utilizando troyanos estatales como #Pegasus y #NoviSpy. Además del Gobierno serbio, también se critica a la empresa #Cellebrite, entre cuyos clientes también se encuentran las autoridades alemanas https://netzpolitik.org/2024/ein-digitales-gefaengnis-wie-die-serbische-regierung-die-zivilgesellschaft-ausspioniert/ #journalism #periodismo

"Serbian police and intelligence authorities are using advanced phone spyware alongside mobile phone forensic products to unlawfully target journalists, environmental activists and other individuals in a covert surveillance campaign, a new Amnesty International report has revealed.

The report, “A Digital Prison”: Surveillance and the Suppression of Civil Society in Serbia, documents how mobile forensic products made by Israeli company Cellebrite are being used to extract data from mobile devices belonging to journalists and activists. It also reveals how the Serbian police and the Security Information Agency (Bezbedonosno-informativna Agencija – BIA) have used a bespoke Android spyware system, NoviSpy, to covertly infect individuals’ devices during periods of detention or police interviews."


#Serbia #Surveillance #Spyware #Cellebrite #PressFreedom

Amnesty International Security Lab revealed how the Serbian authorities have been using Cellebrite to break into the smartphones of activists and journalists, followed by planting NoviSpy, a type of spyware that Amnesty attributes with a high degree of certainty to the Serbian secret services.


#Serbia #Spyware #Cellebrite #NoviSpy