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Beiträge, die mit deathCult getaggt sind

There is this monstrosity that calls itself health care but is not. I'm not even sure what it should be called? CruelCare? DeathCult? #Dr.Potter talking about a breast reconstruction surgery interrupted by a United HealthCare staffperson who wanted to know -- right away -- if her patient had to spend the night at the hospital. https://www.yahoo.com/news/unitedhealthcare-calls-doctor-mid-surgery-201800124.html


It’s ok, the market will fix it.

#capitalism #deathCult https://mastodon.online/@rustoleumlove/113681109571651628

So, true story. For a brief period, I spent some time in a fundamentalist Christian church (I was exploring different religions as a young teen). I kid you not when I tell you that some of those folks, especially #ChristoZionists, truly believe that bringing about #WorldWar3 will cause the "Messiah" to return. Ummmm... I saw right through that crappo -- talk about a #DeathCult!