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Beiträge, die mit pkk getaggt sind

Personen, die die kurdische Arbeiterpartei #PKK oder andere als »terroristisch« eingestufte Gruppen unterstützen, werden in Deutschland oft nach Paragraf 129b des Strafgesetzbuchs verurteilt. Zuletzt traf es Haci Atlı. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189517.kriminalisierung-von-kurden-kein-ende-der-anklagen-gegen-kurden.html

Der #PKK-Führer #Öcalan hat seine Anhänger aufgefordert, den Kampf gegen die Türkei einzustellen. Welche Auswirkungen hat das auf Nord- und Ostsyrien? Christopher Wimmer versucht, Antworten zu finden. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189493.selbstverwaltung-in-syrien-fuer-rojava-stehtviel-auf-dem-spiel.html

Yunanistan'a kaçmaya çalışan PKK'lı terörist Edirne'de yakalandı: Güvenlik güçleri, askeri yasak bölgede düzenledikleri operasyonda, terör örgütü PKK üyesi olduğu belirlenen M.L'yi, Yunanistan'a geçmeye çalışırken yakaladı.

"Silahlı terör örgütüne üye olmak" suçundan aranan M.L'nin jandarmadaki işlemleri sürüyor.#ESHAHABER.COM.TR

#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/yunanistan-a-kacmaya-calisan-pkk-li-terorist-edirne-de-yakalandi-208673.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #PKK #terörizm #Edirne #Yunanistan #güvenlik

Rosa Burç hält die Erklärung des #PKK-Gründers Abdullah #Öcalan für eine Chance, die Gesellschaften der ganzen Region zu verändern https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189440.tuerkei-pkk-fuer-eine-demokratisierung-der-tuerkei.html

PKK declares ceasefire with Turkey after 40 years of armed struggle

> Outlawed Kurdish militants on Saturday declared a ceasefire with #Turkey, following a landmark call by jailed #PKK leader #AbdullahOcalan, asking the group to disband.

> It was the first reaction from the PKK after Ocalan this week called for the dissolution of his #Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and asked it to lay down arms after fighting the Turkish state for over four decades https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2025/03/01/pkk-declares-ceasefire-with-turkey-pro-pkk-news-agency #Turkiye
A demonstrator holds a picture of jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan during a rally in Diyarbakir, Turkey, on February 27, 2025. (Reuters)

PKK verkündet einseitige Waffenruhe mit der Türkei

Nach dem Aufruf ihres inhaftierten Gründers Öcalan hat die verbotene PKK eine sofortige Waffenruhe ausgerufen. Dies gelte, so lange man nicht angegriffen werde, teilte die Führung der Terrorgruppe mit.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/pkk-waffenruhe-tuerkei-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Türkei #PKK #Waffenruhe

Nach Öcalan-Aufruf: Unterstützung der PKK weiterhin strafbar

PKK-Anführer Öcalan hat zur Auflösung der Partei aufgerufen. In Deutschland gilt sie als terroristische Organisation. Daran wird sich auch so schnell nichts ändern, heißt es in Sicherheitskreisen. Von M. Götschenberg und H. Schmidt.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/pkk-aufloesung-strafverfolgung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#PKK #Öcalan

Während Öcalans Ankündigung, die #PKK aufzulösen, verlesen wurde, geht der türkische Staat weiterhin hart gegen prokurdische Politiker*innen vor. Für Christopher Wimmer steht in den Sternen, ob Ankara zu einer echten politischen Öffnung bereit ist. 👉 https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189404.abdullah-oecalan-aufloesung-der-pkk-tuerkei-ist-am-zug.html
“Auch die türkische Regierung wird konkrete Schritte gehen müssen, wenn sie einen dauerhaften Frieden erreichen will. Aktuell sieht wenig danach aus.”
Christopher Wimmer, nd-Autor, über die angekündigte Auflösung der PKK

Warum der Öcalan-Aufruf Hoffnung auf Frieden schürt

Kurdenführer Öcalan hat zum Ende des Kampfes gegen die Türkei aufgerufen. Wie bedeutet das für seine als Terrorgruppe eingestuften Partei PKK? Und was heißt das für die Situation der Kurden in der Region? Antworten auf wichtige Fragen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/pkk-aufloesung-oecalan-kurden-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#FAQ #PKK #ÖcalanKurdenführer

News Haber EshaHaber MSB duyurdu! Terör örgütüne darbe üstüne darbe!: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Irak’ın kuzeyindeki Pençe-Kilit Operasyonu ve Kandil bölgesinde tespit edilen 5 PKK'lı terörist ile Suriye'nin kuzeyindeki Barış Pınarı bölgesinde belirlenen 1 PKK/YPG'li teröristin etkisiz hale getirildiğini açıkladı.#ESHAHABER.COM.TR

#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/msb-duyurdu-teror-orgutune-darbe-ustune-darbe-207306.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #MSB #terör #PKK #operasyon #Kandil

HPG: Ten Soldiers Were Killed in Revolutionary Guerrilla Operation in Zap


In a statement on Saturday, the Press Office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) reported that guerrillas carried out a revolutionary operation on 20 February in the Zap region of the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

Guerrilla operation against the Turkish troops in Kurojaro

“In the face of the continuous attacks by the occupying Turkish army from the air and land, our guerrilla forces responded within the framework of legitimate defense,” said the HPG. According to the statement, the operation, conducted in memory of the guerrillas who have fallen as martyrs recently, was directed against the Turkish troops in Kurojaro Resistance Area.

The HPG statement said: “Our forces, equipped with the selfless spirit of Apoism, advanced from three sides into enemy positions using infiltration tactics and overran it. The invaders’ positions were attacked quickly and effectively. Some of the occupiers fled their positions, while others who responded were eliminated. The capture of the hill took about 20 minutes. During this time, all positions were fired upon with grenades, light hand weapons and automatic rifles at close range and destroyed. A weapons depot, a surveillance camera and a mobile cable car were also destroyed, and five army tents were set on fire. Weapons and other military equipment found in other tents were seized.

Ten soldiers killed, including a high-ranking commander

The bodies of ten occupiers were inspected by our forces, including a high-ranking commander of the Turkish occupying army. The names of three killed soldiers are Ilhan Köksoy, Hüseyin Özdal and Eyüp Öksüz. However, the Turkish state is concealing the actual extent of its defeat in Kurojaro and has only admitted the loss of soldier Mustafa Uslu. We would like to make the public aware that the official statements regarding our revolutionary operation do not correspond to the truth. The Turkish Ministry of Defense’s claim that 17 members of the guerrilla forces were killed in retaliation for the death of the aforementioned soldier is also a fabrication.”

Three guerrillas martyred in an ambush near Amadiya

On the other hand, HPG reported that three of their members were martyred on Friday near the district of Amadiya. The group was reportedly moving in the area surrounding the village of Guherzê when they were “treacherously targeted from behind” by armed individuals in civilian clothing. Footage of the attack has also been released by the Roj News agency. In the video, which was sent to the agency by a witness, several Turkish-speaking people can be seen in a vehicle with civilian license plates, shooting in the same direction. One of the men shouts: “He/she blew himself up, get us out of here.

According to the HPG, the identity of “these cowardly and devious” individuals has not yet been fully established. However, it announced that it would hold them accountable for the loss of their members and stated that “from now on, all vehicles moving between Derêlûk and Amadiya that do not bear a license plate with the flag of South Kurdistan will be considered enemies and legitimate targets of attack”.

Further guerrilla actions in South Kurdistan

The HPG also provided details of further guerrilla actions carried out against Turkish occupation forces in South Kurdistan in recent days and weeks but have not yet been made public. According to the statement, on Thursday two Turkish military positions raised on the Girê Amêdîyê on the western front of the Zap region were hit by guerrilla artillery and damaged. A day earlier, the air defense unit “Şehîd Axîn Mûş” destroyed a military position at Girê Bahar with drones. On February 6, a soldier was shot dead by an HPG sniper while replacing the surveillance cameras in the area. In addition, Turkish military equipment for day and night surveillance was destroyed at Girê Bahar.

Attacks by the Turkish army

Regarding the most recent attacks by the Turkish army on South Kurdistan, HPG announced that its tunnel system under the Girê Cûdî massif, also on the western Zap front, was attacked with banned explosives on Tuesday and massive air strikes were carried out.

From last Sunday until today, the HPG recorded at least 32 waves of air strikes targeting areas in Xakurke, Qendîl, Gare, Metîna and Zap.


#guerrilla #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #turkey #westAsia

https://www.europesays.com/1850504/ Turkey floats Syria troop withdrawal if Kurd militias eliminated #Conflicts #HAKANFİDAN #Kurds #PKK #Syria #Turkey
Turkey floats Syria troop withdrawal if Kurd militias eliminated

Turkey floats Syria troop withdrawal if Kurd militias eliminated https://www.byteseu.com/748723/ #HAKANFİDAN #kurds #PKK #Syria #Turkey
Turkey floats Syria troop withdrawal if Kurd militias eliminated

https://www.europesays.com/1847466/ People in Aleppo urge Syrian President al-Sharaa to launch operation against PKK/YPG terrorists #AhmedAlSharaa #Aleppo #AnadoluAjansı #Conflicts #PKK/YPG #Syria
People in Aleppo urge Syrian President al-Sharaa to launch operation against PKK/YPG terrorists

Der jahrzehntelange Konflikt zwischen der Türkei und der #PKK hat zahlreiche Opfer gefordert. Nun gibt es Hoffnung auf einen neuen Friedensprozess. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189030.pkk-in-der-tuerkei-oecalan-koennte-ende-der-pkk-verkuenden.html

In der #Türkei konkretisieren sich die Hinweise auf einen Dialogprozess und einen möglichen Waffenstillstand zwischen der Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (#PKK) und der Regierung. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1188935.tuerkei-pkk-kommandant-krieg-und-frieden-nicht-vereinbar.html

Gerîla TV Releases Footage of Guerrilla Actions in Zap, YPJ Condemns HTS Regime

Gerîla TV released footage of actions carried out against the Turkish army in Zap. Three containers, a radar and two tents were destroyed in the different actions.

The HPG Press Center made the following statements about the details of the actions...


#News #guerrilla #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #resistance #rojava #syria #turkey #WestAsia #ypg #ypj

"A car explosion in northern #Syria on Monday has killed at least 20 people... The blast took place on a main road on the outskirts of Syria's northern city #Manbij, the civil defense said "

(who exactly is "the civil defense'"? The #WhiteHelmets #GCHQ #propaganda disruption operation... now working for an #alQaeda-run 'government')

"Syria car bomb explosion kills at least 20"
https://www.dw.com/en/syria-car-bomb-explosion-kills-at-least-20/a-71489683 #aleppo #PKK #Kurds #Turkey @syria

Turkiye “neutralizes” senior YPG official in Syria https://www.byteseu.com/711119/ #Conflicts #PKK #Syria #Türkiye #Turkiye“neutralizes”SeniorYPGOfficialInSyria #YPG
Turkiye “neutralizes” senior YPG official in Syria

The Struggle for Freedom, From Mountains to Tishrin Dam

In the guerrilla-held areas where the Turkish state has carried out its most brutal attacks, an unrelenting struggle is being waged by YJA STAR (Free Women's Troops) and (People's Defence Forces) guerrillas.

The Turkish army, which suffered a major defeat, has now started attacking Rojava in an attempt to cov


#News #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #resistance #syria #turkey #WestAsia #ypg

https://www.europesays.com/1805285/ Turkish intel eliminates top figure in PKK’s ‘financial wing’ in Syria #Conflicts #CounterterrorismOperations #NorthernSyria #PKK #Syria #TurkishIntelligence
Turkish intel eliminates top figure in PKK’s ‘financial wing' in Syria

Operations Continue in Medya Defense Zones, PKK Calls for Mobilization

In a written statement regarding the Turkish state's invasion attacks on North-East Syria, KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency Council called Turkey’s deliberate targeting of the civilian population at the Tishrin Dam “terrorist attacks” that are completely unacceptable.


#News #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #resistance #rojava #syria #turkey #WestAsia #ypg

Syrian DM rejects notion of YPG military bloc in the army https://www.byteseu.com/666385/ #Conflicts #DefenseMinister #PKK/YPG #Syria #SyrianArmy
Syrian DM rejects notion of YPG military bloc in the army

News Haber EshaHaber Suriye sınırına zırhlı araç ve mühimmat sevkiyatı: PKK/YPG terör örgütünün kontrolünde yer alan Suriye'nin Ayn El Arap (Kobani) kenti sınırına zırhlı araç ve mühimmat sevkiyatı gerçekleştirildi.

Şanlıurfa'nın Suruç ilçene bağlı kırsal Aligör Mahallesi'nden geçen askeri konvoy, sınıra hattına doğru ilerledi.#ESHAHABER.COM.TR

#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/suriye-sinirina-zirhli-arac-ve-muhimmat-sevkiyati-198372.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #Suriye #Kobani #PKK #YPG #AskeriSevkiyat

Wohin führen die Gespräche mit der PKK?

Seit mehr als vier Jahrzehnten tobt ein Kampf zwischen türkischem Staat und der verbotenen kurdischen Arbeiterpartei PKK. Nun gibt es Hoffnung auf einen neuen Friedensprozess. Doch die Hürden sind hoch. Von K. Willinger.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/tuerkei-pkk-friedensprozess-huerden-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Türkei #Kurden #PKK #Syrien #YPG

Syria’s new foreign minister visits Ankara as tensions between Turkey and Israel and France escalate https://www.byteseu.com/659498/ #AbdullahOcalan #Aleppo #Assad #Conflicts #DemParty #HTS #Israel #kurds #Öcalan #PKK #protest #SDF #Syria #Turkey #YPG
Syria’s new foreign minister visits Ankara as tensions between Turkey and Israel and France escalate

Syria’s new foreign minister visits Ankara as tensions between Turkey and Israel and France escalate https://www.byteseu.com/659498/ #AbdullahOcalan #Aleppo #Assad #Conflicts #DemParty #HTS #Israel #kurds #Öcalan #PKK #protest #SDF #Syria #Turkey #YPG
Syria’s new foreign minister visits Ankara as tensions between Turkey and Israel and France escalate

Daily Memo: Iran Taps Oil Stockpile, Plans to Arm Kurdish Militants https://www.byteseu.com/648596/ #China #Geopolitics #india #Iran #Mongolia #PKK #Russia #SaudiArabia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Yemen
Geopolitical Futures

Ending terrorism in Türkiye: A vision reflected through survey insights https://www.byteseu.com/640438/ #PKK #Syria #Terrorism #Turkey
Ending terrorism in Türkiye: A vision reflected through survey insights 

Turkey’s pro-Kurd party to meet jailed PKK leader on Saturday https://www.byteseu.com/604705/ #AbdullahOcalan #Bahceli #DEM #Erdoğan #HDP #Imrali #istanbul #Kenya #KurdishProblem #KurdistanWorkers’Party #MHP #PKK #RecepTayyipErdoğan #Syria #Turkey
Turkey’s pro-Kurd party to meet jailed PKK leader on Saturday

PKK Pays Tribute To Martyrs in Rojava and the Zap Region

Guerrillas Diljîn Bêlatî and Pîran Suweyda died on 1 November in the Zap region in South Kurdistan. The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement that the resistance against the Turkish invasion in the Medya Defense Areas is led by the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star).


#News #guerrilla #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #resistance #rojava #syria #WestAsia #ypj

Guerrilla Resistance in Zap


The occupying Turkish army seeks to turn southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) into a military zone, bombarding several locations almost every day. The Turkish state has used all dirty methods against both the Kurdish people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement for 10 years within the framework of the ‘Collapse Plan’ it drafted in October 2014. Now, in southern Kurdistan, it is wearing the clothes of the KDP’s Zêrevanî forces to avoid being targeted by the guerrillas.

Every night there is activity in the areas of Amediyê and Geliyê Reşova. Since October, the Turkish army has been regularly striking the villages in Amediyê. Stating that the lock in Zap is closed, the Turkish army is transporting troops, logistics equipment and ammunition to Western Zap almost every day. Especially since the beginning of November, it has intensified its military and logistics equipment deliveries to Sergelê Gorge, Dêrelok and Geliyê Reşova areas. Zêrevanî forces of the ruling KDP guard many places where the Turkish army has built outposts.

They encircle the area they occupy with wires weighing tens of tonnes, they monitor and listen to the surroundings with dozens of surveillance cameras and sound sensors. Not content with this, howitzers and mortars are randomly fired into the terrain; reconnaissance planes constantly circle the area, cobra helicopters scan the hills, around villages and fields.

Despite all this, the guerrillas both continue their resistance and strike a blow to the invaders with their actions.


#guerrilla #hpg #iraq #kurdistan #pkk #resistance #turkey #westAsia #zap

bne IntelliNews – Turkey will “hold key” to what happens in Syria, says Trump https://www.byteseu.com/567613/ #Assad #Erdoğan #HTS #Kurdish #PKK #Syria #trump #Turkey #YPG
bne IntelliNews - Turkey will “hold key” to what happens in Syria, says Trump

Manbij Ceasefire Goes Into Effect, Counter-Revolution Threatens Rojava


A four-day ceasefire was announced yesterday in Manbij and its countryside between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Turkish-backed “Syrian National Army,” following three days of intense clashes. The truce, reportedly aimed at facilitating political solutions and prisoner exchanges, was confirmed by the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army faction, which stated that the agreement seeks to “implement humanitarian and security understandings, including the withdrawal of SDF members and their families from the region.” However, skirmishes continued near Tishreen Dam in northeastern Aleppo, sending a clear Turkish message that the agreement applies only to Manbij, signaling its intent to maintain operations until it secures control over the entire border with Syria.

Meanwhile, the SDF and the Autonomous Administration expressed their readiness for dialogue and to initiate a political transition in the country. SDF Commander Mazloum Abdi reiterated the organization’s willingness to facilitate the return of the tomb of Suleiman Shah to Ain al-Arab. Additionally, the Autonomous Administration announced the adoption of Syria’s new flag across its institutions, reaffirming the region’s integral connection to Syria’s territorial unity. The adoption of this flag after the counter-revolutionary offensive signals increased problems for the Rojava experiment.

According to Al-Akhbar, their sources revealed that a delegation comprising SDF leaders, tribal representatives, and local officials from Al-Hasakah will visit Damascus to discuss the future of northeastern Syria. The delegation plans to advocate for the preservation of the Autonomous Administration as a model for Syria’s administrative and military framework. Meanwhile, US and French diplomats are reportedly mediating talks between Turkey and the SDF to address security concerns, including the management of ISIS prisons and camps in SDF-controlled areas. Turkey, however, is expected to demand that the SDF dissolve itself, sever ties with the PKK, and expel PKK members from Syria in exchange for political representation in the new government.

Internally, the SDF faces mounting challenges threatening its military structure. Protests erupted in several cities in Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, and Al-Hasakah, demanding a transfer of control to the Military Operations Administration. Several high-ranking members of the SDF’s Deir Ezzor Military Council have defected, including its leader, Abu Laith Khasham, who joined the Military Operations Administration, in affiliation with HTS. This marks the fifth defection within the council. Amid these tensions, the SDF’s security arm imposed a curfew across northeastern Syria, citing the need to safeguard public safety.

Furthermore, reports state that a draft of terms was sent to the SDF from the HTS regime. The new state demands that the Syrian government be recognized as the sole authority, that Arab areas are handed over to the military, that PKK cadres are expelled from the country (meaning the dissolution of the YPG and allied revolutionary forces), Arab prisoners are released, border crossings would now be administered by the counter-revolutionary state, and foreign ISIS prisoners be released to the new state.


#counterRevolution #hts #manbij #pkk #rojava #syria #turkey #westAsia #ypg

Manbij Ceasefire Goes Into Effect, Counter-Revolution Threatens Rojava

A four-day ceasefire was announced yesterday in Manbij and its countryside between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Turkish-backed “Syrian National Army,” following three days of intense clashes.


#News #counterrevolution #hts #manbij #pkk #rojava #syria #turkey #WestAsia #ypg

Turkey continues arrests for terrorism based on scant evidence, minimal due process: US State Dept. https://www.byteseu.com/557897/ #AKParty #AKP #Democracy #Erdoğan #FethullahGulen #HumanRights #justice #LAW #oppression #PKK #Syria #TheIslamicStateInIraqAndTheLevant(ISIL) #TheNationalIntelligenceOrganization(MIT) #TheRevolutionaryPeople’sLiberationParty/Front(DHKP/C) #TheUsStateDepartment #Turkey
Turkey continues arrests for terrorism based on scant evidence, minimal due process: US State Dept.

Blinken visits Ankara with Israel and Turkey on collision course in Syria https://www.byteseu.com/557549/ #Blinken #Erdoğan #Gaza #HTS #Israel #kurds #PKK #Syria #Turkey #YPG
Blinken visits Ankara with Israel and Turkey on collision course in Syria

[NEWS] The Rojava Revolution Is in Grave Danger

The YPG in Rojava says it has reached a ceasefire with Turkish-backed fighters after the US occupation forces mediated a withdrawal of Kurdish revolutionary forces from Manbij.

The Syrian National Army (SNA), a Turkish-backed coalition of disparate groups, attacked the city of Manbij, about 40km from the Turkish border, soon after the fall of the Assad regime.


#News #pkk #repression #rojava #syria #WestAsia #ypg