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Beiträge, die mit seedlibrary getaggt sind

Ach guck, nun kommt ja schon die #Saatgutbibliothek in #Leipzig!


Mal gucken ob sie so sweet aussehen wird wie die hier: https://infosec.exchange/@tinker/112315302296409475



My local library built the seed library!

The local Master Gardeners provided a lot of the intitial seeds (oh my gosh we are stocked!!!). They used an old card catalogue to store them. Today's the kickoff!

The idea is you "check out seeds" from the library, plant/grow/harvest, let some go to seed, then "return the seeds" back to the library!

Free seeds for everyone!

Editing to add my library's Seed Library web site: https://www.librarypoint.org/seed-library/

#solarPunk #postScarcity #gardening #mutualAid #seedLibrary #earthDay
An old card catalog is used to hold seed packets.
A closeup of one of the card catalog drawers entitled "beans" with a seed packet with information.
Books on seed libraries, harvesting seeds, and various fliers announcing the seed library.
Various fliers announcing the seed library and other programs.

Great news! My library got back to me!

They're interested in building out a seed library as well!!!


I'm developing some basic classes on how to do low-budget, simple, indoor (in any space) hydroponics. I'm also building out some starter kits to give away.

I'll see if the local library would like me to give these courses and kits when the seed library gets built as a way to promote it and get word out to the local community.

#solarPunk #seedLibrary #postScarcity #libraryEconomy #indoorGardening #urbanGardening

Alright, sent an email to the head of my local library about setting up a seed library there.

Seeds libraries are places you can go and "check out" seeds. Grow the seeds. Let one of the grown plants go to seed. Harvest the seeds. Then "return" the seeds back to the seed library!

Free seeds!!!!

Check and see if you have a seed library near you: https://www.communityseednetwork.org/map/

Or connect and share seeds with folks online:

#solarPunk #seedLibrary #libraryEconomy #urbanGardening