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Beiträge, die mit somhijuntes getaggt sind

Today is also a very positive day, as many people, collectives and organisations, are migrating their social network activity to decentralised, co-owned social network spaces.
* We move together from X to the #Fediverse, #VamonosJuntas in Spain, #SomhiJuntes in Catalonia
* We build back a better web, #MakeSocialsSocialAgain in the Netherlands by @PublicSpaces @Bits of Freedom @Waag Futurelab
* #HelloQuitX, the French platform by @HelloQuitX that facilitates Twitter users to move their audience to Mastodon or Bluesky (note: Bluesky isn't co-owned or decentralised yet)
* 86 French organisations announcing their departure of X:
* More than 60 German-speaking universities announced their collective move away from X ten days ago:
* and many more are doing their #eXit generating a real #eXodus

Ens unim a la campanya #somhijuntes #vamonosjuntas per marxar de Twitter i iniciar una mudança col·lectiva cap al #Fedivers 💖

Perquè creiem que entre totes podem construir l’internet que volem, més amable, més saludable, més nostre!

Per més informació, visita el web somhijuntes.org ✨

Ens podeu trobar també a #PeerTube (descontrol@fediverse.tv) i us podeu subscriure al nostre canal de #Telegram (t.me/dscntrl) i al nostre #butlletí (descontrol.cat/butlleti-editorial).