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Speaking as someone living in Hungary, to friends in the #USA:

The greatest weapon the system has is outrage fatigue. Doing so many unimaginable things at the same time that people just sigh and go on. Having so many things to protest that you run out of days and hours. Piling on so you start focusing on surviving with your bare mental health day to day.

Pick your cause and stick to it. Support others who focus on different causes. Don't try to do everything at once.

2 Personen haben dies geteilt

Thank you. This is very useful advice!
yes, outrage fatigue has been used as a weapon by the right when they gain power. Trump certainly used it before, and so did GWB. That's one reason they're so sadistic, because it wears us out. Great advice!
Great advice...
Especially about the fatigue.
I have been trying to tell my friends not to burn out , take a rest and then come back stronger.
That extended adrenaline rush isn't healthy.
Thanks for posting this!!
"I notice few of you are using your spines, should I adjust?" - Evolution

There is no longer a need to separate the men from the boys
I’m focusing on fighting disinformation. https://indivisible.org/indivisible-trainings has a few different things.
That's actually my middle name :) Zalka is the family name, we put that first
Some time ago I read that propaganda acts by overloading you, until you surrender your right of critical thinking and start just taking in their message. That is why propaganda isn't really afraid of being self-contradictory, as its recipients aren't examining its message critically.
Overloading works really well through outrage, of course.
Overloading also works for making you doubt everything you read and everything anyone says. The goal is not to believe "immigrants are eating dogs". The goal is to doubt everything everywhere until you give up.
Do you also think it is better to attack to win new rights, than fight defensively to protect the ones we've got?
I am not an expert by any means, but I'd say protect. Rights have been consistently whittled down over here and it is much harder to ever get them back.
That's very good advice since we're all overwhelmed right now and don't know how to focus at all. All the more since some media tend to report every fart that comes out of Donald's butt directly after breakfast. To decide what's worth noticing and what's not will definitely be one of the biggest challenges.
Thanks for the advice. Mutual aid and clever humorous projects help with pacing. Liberation is a process of multiple approaches. Despite sadistic pleasures of the oppressors, they wouldn’t be trying so hard if #BLM hadn’t been so in their faces. Remember, plumbing and sewers require maintenance.
"the most joyful music ever heard was born right here by slaves forced to work, overseen by whips, chains and bullets" - Something to Remember when faced with the unimaginable
And I'll add to this an equally critical piece. The thing you are fighting and others are not isn't more important than their fight. We are parallel fighting, not working at crossed purposes.

The Gaza protests proved this point. People protesting those were so single focused they blamed the rest of us for supporting the "genocide" because we weren't equally upset by it.

Wrong, we were fighting other fights of equal import.
Thank you! This was my strategy during part of Trump's first stay in the White House. This time around I'm not wasting time on outrage (probably - that's my resolve, anyway).
Actually I am noticing this trend on my social media. Last time, there was much more shock and despair. This time it is *here we go again* *girding of loins*
Tues, November 3, 2026

ALL 435 seats in the US #House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the #Senate up for election- This is critical. Support the democratic candidate in your state. If we take majority here it would be powerful. 🚨


#usa #congress
I love this post. Not just for the USA, but clearly very pertinent for them right now.
Check out The Shock Doctrine. That's what they are doing...

Outrage fatigue pretty much sums the situation up.
Yep but I see greed/money pretty much the root cause of all the sickness here and around the world.

“outrage fatigue”. Never heard of this term before. Now I need to find a German translation for that. Maybe Empörungsmüde?
I intend to take this to heart.
speaking from the experience of watching protests in Russia fizzle out after 2011-2012 — this is exactly true.
To prevent outrage fatigue, I would like a news filter that only tells me actionable information about the fascists. I only need to know if I can write a letter to an agency, attend a demonstration, or get out of the way of some violence they're planning.

My background is related to information theory. Communicating a certain event transmits no information. An account of Trump saying something offensive or fascistic isn't really news or information.
this is such an important message. I feel like we’ve developed a habit of criticizing people when they’re not sufficiently invested in *our* thing. But from now on, sounds like we should thank them for covering something else.
I would argue work out a system of R&R to rotate out of the field.

But this pick a cause and stick with it? Miss me with that.
R&R is vital too.
I didn't mean only care about one cause. Care about and support everything you can. I also donate to a bunch of things and attend events, but I only actively work for one field (namely, the crumbling child protection system). I do that full time, though.
this is why I recently had to part ways with someone who demanded I have the same energy for all her issues as issues closest to my heart. Even after explaining I was reserving my productive energies for my own causes, she couldn't accept that my progressive priorities were different.
👍⬆️👍⬆️ good advice 👍⬆️👍⬆️
I live in the United States. I believe we wear out so quickly because that cult of the family cocoon we call The American Dream has kept us in such a narrow range of life, that everything outside this bubble is a major threat. No wonder we grow up without the skills to deal with the changes that will come, whether we like it or not.
This makes perfect sense, thanks for the reminder. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Already feeling the outrage fatigue. 😞
I think this is the kind of advice that everyone will easily agree with, and yet everyone will continue to do it.
This is also why reducing working hours is so important, it can lead to many other advances
Ah, I forgot to respond to this earlier, but holy sh*t, has this been the case in Netherlands too in just 5 months. The latest development...: the cabinet almost fell because the ministers in their weekly meeting were talking about "pus", "maroccan Dutch people and muslims where antisemitism is in the genes" and "halaleaters" (but more derogatory, hard to translate). So cabinet crisis, one resigned, but the rest stayed there bc that party low in the polls.

It's nuts every week!
Few weeks ago they wanted to pass an enabling act to be able to declare an asylum crisis without the consent of Parliament... oh they also want to half the higher education budget, in parliament explained reason was "to force the universities to choose if they want to do actual science or bullshit like global justice and gender studies"... oh and the infrastructure minister called trains a woke leftist hobbies and wants 6 lane toll highways...
Apparently sex-ed in schools will have to be "age appropiate and neutral" (uh-oh where have I heard this before) and while they were still forming the cabinet the leader of the biggest party (Wilders) went to Budapest to CPAC as the main speaker (invited by Orbán of course, his best friend) but (during coalition talks!) none of the Dutch media, public or private, was allowed in because it was a quote "woke-free zone"...

Though of course they also want to raise VAT on books and
gah, I know. Sex ed has been basically eradicated over here. Because of the new laws everyone is too afraid to say the wrong thing so no one really does it.
newspapers (and other culture) to 21% and cut public broadcoaster funds, so it won't matter for much longer anyway. Can't deny access to media that doesn't exist after all...

They want to leave the UN refugee treaty...

There is so much more, it's impossible to list here. It's a clown show. A circus.

TBF, I mostly just stopped trying to keep up with all the news and focus on my hobbies and friends. There will probably be new elections anyway quite soon.

But you are right!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
I am sorry :( Over here the general idea is that the Netherlands (and Western Europe) are doing better than us...
we were, untill Wilders said something about not wanting to ban islam fully anymore (or well "putting it in the fridge"), the media all declared him mild now and changed after 20 years, and he became by far the biggest party.

They're actually one fraction in Europe, but it goes a bit further then that. Not only is Orbán his biggest friend and inspiration, his wife is Hungarian (presumably not the fun kind) and the minister for the economy was special representative for the
Orbán government till the week before he became minister. The secretary for digitalization was also a dual citizen - till the week before. One reporter already joked that we have so many Hungarians (of fidesz obviously) in the cabinet, we should start supporting Hungary in the European football championships as a backup 😂 (normally when we lose we switch to supporting Belgium D:)

And of course Mr Wilders immediately started following his greatest friend and idol.
now, I'm also in Budapest 4 times a year, sure, but that's for my favorite anime convention, and everyone there is really fun! It's basically a pride event (and I think if dear Viktor ever came there he'd be spontaneously hanged. Well either that or maybe someone would draw some gay fan art of him as Viktor from Yuri on ice with yuri 😂. Actually, a fun idea 😆, but you get the point). There is always a massive free hug line outside, it's the best!

But he goes to copy policy.
the other coalition parties aren't much better.

It's a circus. Which is why I have basically checked out, it's depressing af, and I know I don't really have to be worried about my hobby and community at least (probably niche enough to just be ignored, since they don't really give a shit, they just want to look as appearing to do something for their conservative voters in the countryside so they keep getting reelected right?) since, well, fav con IS there and thriving xD
but yeah, I was catching up with a con fren I hadnt seen for a while (not that I usually talk politics there obviously, it's an anime convention xD, but hadnt seen them in a few years and it was basically closing time so xD) and they were shocked too.

But yeah, Netherlands not great rn. Probably new elections sometime soon though.

Also, Germany, afd is rising. France, le pen least seats but most votes by a wide margin. Belgium, they did good too. Western Europe isn't so much
better... then of course there is Italy, Sweden, finland, Denmark.... but ig those aren't western Europe.

Anyway, it's all very double plus unfun as 1984 would put it, so again I kinda avoid the news and just enjoy my cons and cosplay and other fandom things with my friends now xD

Actually will be back for winter mondo in January, with a Belgian friend, and like always, I can't wait XD but first Dutch Comic Con, and a Christmas themed small one next month. Life is still good!
this event btw xD https://photos.app.goo.gl/3kVXJNzpDd9vm8q87

It's REALLY fun! Well I mean, of course, otherwise I wouldn't spend 8% of my yearly income to go every time despite us having plenty of cons too 😂

So yeah that's why I'm over there every 3 months. And I've been bringing friends from here over too and they all want to go again xD

If you like anime (or comics or scifi or old games or something tbh, it's all there, but it's mostly anime XD) you should go sometimes. It's the best!
Yep I know Mondocon :) I don't get to go as often as I'd like to, but it really is a cool event :) And it is an island of community in the middle of all the craziness in this country. I am glad you like it too :)
nice xD (well except not being able to come every time xD) I somehow make it work financially. Or well, work. But good enough to not starve or lose my house so it works 😂

Are you coming in January by any chance? XD

I'll check back later, work now!