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Alright, here it is:

#PolymathReadingChallenge 2025

Read 12 #NONFICTION books

- you can read them in any order
- (auto)biographies count
- write a review of each (here or on Bookwyrm)
- use the # when posting about the challenge

Categories: See next toot in this thread.

Everyone gets their 12th category randomly through WikiRoulette. If you want to take part, respond to this thread and I'll give you one.

Feel free to use # for recommendations

#bookstodon #reading #ReadingChallenge

In the tradition of the #PolymathReadingChallenge I made a list of anniversaries happening in 2025, then did a random draw of them to determine the categories.

1. history of music
2. famous African-American people
3. medicine
4. Vietnam war
5. European Union
6. marine biology
7. public transport
8. architecture
9. 17th-18th century
10. civil rights
11. endangered animals
+12. individual category by WikiRoulette (respond to get yours)

Have fun reading :)

Any bonuses if we can find books that cover three or more categories?
I just joined StoryGraph, is it ok if I create a challenge there?
(if you’re on there too it’s probably better if you do it?)
I am on there, I'll look into it!
this looks fun can I play please
Ooooh, what a cool category! One of my favorite books last year was from it!
I'll take a random category, please. (already reading a Beethoven bio, so that's category 1 covered.)
So...I have to find a book about Romanian cuisine, I guess.
szia! may i have my 12th category?
Aww look at that!


this was my favorite book series as a kid
gotta admit, right now i’m a bit stumped on what could count under “woodland folks kids books” category other than books themselves
Books in children's literature in general, maybe?... Although I'd also accept books on woodland folklore for this one.
oh, thanks! i should be able to find something 8)
Good list, and most covered in my to-read stack. I’ll take a twelfth. Thanks!
Fab. May I have my roulette category please?
Thank you. To my amazement I have actually found a suitable book about that and have started it 😀
Szia, could I have a category too? Maybe something from the 12th. I am not good at nonfiction. I only read fantasy and folkle. I'm boring like that, or I am a wanderer. küszünüm. And I had to write this in braille, so I'm very sorry if there are any mistakes. :)
Wanna join too!!!, may I have my random subject please?
This is great! I struggle with nonfiction and I’m a few chapters in on about five of these categories. Please hit me with a random category and thanks!
Okay, that sounds fun, and the first 11 categories quite interesting already. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that #12 is not too weird... 🤞
Okay, probably I'll have to broaden that to "Canadian Rockies" unless I want to read a travel guide on Banff, but that will be right up my (v)alley... 👍
I read a lot of non-fiction generally but this list of topics is much wider than I normally focus on, so I'd love to take part.