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My #DnD group is doing an all-villains party adventure, just for the heck of it. I never really play villains, it's not really my jam and I suck at it.
So now we have a party of necromancers, assassins, warlocks, mob hitmen... and Karen, my "Thoughts and Prayers" Cleric 🤷‍♀️ 😆

To be fair my standard character is a necromancer, but I play her like a med student 😄😄
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the evilest of them all?
this is the kinda character the other villains will steer clear of 😆
*Party wreaks havoc in a village*
Cleric: "Thoughts and prayers."

*Someone heals her using non-cleric magic*
Cleric: "I forgive you."

#blessed 🤣
Bless her heart
I think this is hilarious and my group would love that.
Err...good luck?
I'm sharing this with my group. Amazing