I am remembering the time I got dogpiled on the birb site for asking why people insist on romanticizing Hades and Persephone.
If I did another thesis, I would write it on the internet popularity of this couple, and the underlying cultural and psychological reasons... 😄
It continues to baffle and fascinate me that this is the ship people chose as their favorite.
#Kaos #mythology #romance #storytelling
If I did another thesis, I would write it on the internet popularity of this couple, and the underlying cultural and psychological reasons... 😄
It continues to baffle and fascinate me that this is the ship people chose as their favorite.
#Kaos #mythology #romance #storytelling
Naomi P •
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
Jürgen Hubert •
I am hardly an expert on the romance genre, but "Woman Fixes Broken Man Through Her Love" seems to be rather common.
sahqon •
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
sahqon •
So the story was always about an arranged marriage against the mother's wishes with a creepy guy. What people interpret Persephone's feelings were on the matter will change generation to generation imho, as they aren't recorded. And since the older generation is currently viewed as extremely backwards (and not just currently, this has been going on for a few decades since the whole sexual revolution thing), right now people interpret her mother as being wrong. She very clearly changed and embraced her role after all? -> so she was different and couldn't be herself at home. Maybe a few generations earlier people interpreted it as a predator taking a helpless girl with the help of the authorities and the heroic mother fighting against that. It just doesn't really fit into the current culture.
sahqon •
...but that should also tell you how much people are into that new interpretation of the story.
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
Bill's in the shop for repairs •
Lauma Pret 🕸️ •
2020 action role-playing game developed by Supergiant Games
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Kalshann •
<smitty /> •