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Hello to all the wonderful Germans following this account 👋

Please, for the sake of humanity, use your vote today to stop the AfD.

Thanks to Germany's excellent proportional voting system, Germans have a wide range of parties to vote for and every vote counts towards the result. Voting for any party except the AfD will help to stop them by diluting their vote share.

If ever there was a time to vote, today is that day. This is your chance to make a difference.

EDIT: See voting tip in reply!
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Brilliant! Fantastic! 👏
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Sending love! Please don’t become like the US, it’s not fun here
Worthy tip. Thanks mate.
CDU/CSU ain't much better but well, I did my part 💪
Well done! 👏
Me too 🙃
Voted against the fascists!
Yes! This is great! 👏

and don’t vote neither CDU nor CSU, they tried to pass the AFD on their right side.
Please follow this advice, you can see the troubles in real time right now if you watch the disastrous results from the last US election.

The US democracy is fighting for its life right now and there are many signs that it is already dead, it just hasn't fallen over yet.

This could be your future or life's failures repeating itself if you are not careful.
Yaaaay! Fanastic, great to hear! 🥳

You are NOW in one of the freest countries in the world.

Let's make sure it stays that way!

Please vote.

#wahl #deutschland #Germany #noafd #BTW25

Sie sind JETZT in einem der freiesten Länder der Welt.

Sorgen wir dafür, dass es so bleibt!

Bitte geben Sie zur Wahl.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
p.s. Important voting tip from many contributors:

1. Use first vote to choose your favourite candidate from those likely to win in your particular voting district. It doesn't matter if their party is small nationally, the candidate can still get in if they are popular in your district.

2. Use second vote to choose your favourite from parties likely to get over 5% of the vote.

If you do both these things, it will make your vote most effective 👍
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
@jssfr that makes sense... I sure hope we have elections in the future...
@jssfr I disagree about the first vote. In my district only the candidate from the green party has at least a chance to win against the conservative. So it makes sense for me to vote for the green candidate to challenge the conservative. Even my usual vote goes to the left party
Maybe @jssfr can advise on this? Any perspectives appreciated 🙏
@jssfr Not anymore. This was 3 years ago.

I'm going by info here, is this not correct?

👉 https://zombofant.net/@jssfr/114053424399490557
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@jssfr@floss.social I think that information is correct. It's the first time for us over here as well ;) ... and I frankly doubt many people took the time to study the new rules to the fullest. But what you're stating there is basically correct.
I've edited the tip by the way, sorry about that! Several others also clarified, thanks for the help!
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That doesn’t seem correct.
The 1st vote is for the district representative - which is first-past-the-post and thus voting for a party that has a realistic chance of getting to the majority in the district is sensible - especially if it’s about preventing another party from gaining the seat. In some districts (such as mine) parties that have a small share of the national vote can still have a strong local footprint and there the 1st vote is a good way to support them - but that’s not true for most districts.

The 2nd vote is proportional, so there small parties will have as much a chance as those with a large vote share. Nonetheless the party still needs to cross the 5% threshold, so voting for a party polling at below 3% is not a great strategy if one would want to prevent the AfD from gaining seats.
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Okay.... is this not correct?

👉 https://zombofant.net/@jssfr/114053424399490557
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Just FYI I edited the tip thanks to feedback from you and several others. Thank you!
To use your German federal parliamentary election votes to maximize your influence on who gets into parliament:

First vote: Which candidate is likely to win in your particular local voting district? If you like that person, vote for her or him. If not, vote for the person with second best chance.

Second vote: Which parties have a reasonable chance to get into the next parliament? Choose among those.

Deviations from this send political signals, but influence outcome less.

@FediTips @jssfr
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

Thank you, I've tweaked the tip. That explained it more clearly.
☝️ excellent explanation, cannot be said any more concise.
@dj3ei @FediTips @jssfr
Yup, excellent explanation, adjusted the post to reflect it.
EDIT: You changed it. The current version is good.

Sorry, @FediTips , but your suggestion on what to do with your first vote is, I believe, the worst hint from you I've read thus far. With margin. (Which is to say I usually like what I read from you.)

A first vote for a party that has a tiny followership in your voting district and no reasonable chance to win that district is basically wasted, from an election-outcome point of view.

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I've just edited it to mention choosing a candidate with a good chance in your district.

Your previous post explained the situation very clearly which prompted the edit 👍
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
I already did. I knowe it will be bad tonight, the question is: how bad?
Well done for voting 👏
p.p.s. Okay, polls have closed in Germany, well done to everyone who voted and let's hope for the best in the weeks to come as a coalition government is formed.

(For those wondering, I don't make a habit of posting about elections on this account. I'll only do one-off posts if there's some kind of historically dangerous situation.)
fingers crossed for us all
I'm watching closely Germany's election, because we're next 😬
Denn Rechtsextremismus ist keine politische Richtung, sondern eine Straftat!

Eine #Partei, die in Teilen #rechtsextrem ist, ist als Ganzes rechtsextrem.

BVerfG – 2 BvB 1/13 - Urteil zum NPD Verbotsverfahren:

Ob eine Partei die Beseitigung oder Beeinträchtigung der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung anstrebt, muss sich aus ihren Zielen oder dem Verhalten ihrer Anhänger insbesondere Organe und Parteimitglieder ergeben.



> Voting for any party except the AfD will help to stop them by diluting their vote share.

I don't think that's true. If you vote for a party which gets less than 5% and less than three direct seats, your vote is proportionally redistributed among the parties which did — which likely means effectively 20% AfD.

So… Please use your second vote for a *democratic* party with realistic chances to get in and the first vote for a party which likely won't get to the 5% but you'd still like to see.

Nontheless: Voted earlier today, so there's that.
Thanks! I've added a follow-up post, hope I've got this right:


Let me know if it's wrong, I can edit it.

I tried to make the original post as simple as possible, you have raised a really important nuance, thank you 🙏
Already voted via mail.
Wondeful! Great to hear! 👏
Never before felt so negative towards voting. Did it anyway, of course. Now let's keep our fingers crossed that the result won't be too catastrophic. Will be with friends tonight to watch how it'll turn out.
Well done on voting anyway 💪
✅ Voted right after breakfast. And you can bet your cups (*referring to a speech by CDU candidate Merz yesterday in which he stated that evereyone left of his party is nuts - German "hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank" 'doesn't have all is cups in the cupboard') that I didn't vote for AfD!
Thank you for voting to stop the AfD! 👏
Not only voting but also going to the streets as every logically thinking German should do in these times.
It's a pity that no plea to prohibit this party has gone to ballot, yet. I asked my parliamentary to do that and he tries...
Similar situation in many countries right now 😞

Perhaps some people are incapable of seeing danger until it hurts them specifically?
voted! 👍🏻
Hurrah! Wonderful! Brilliant to hear 🥳
Morgen sagt man: “Sie hätten es gewußt haben können“
did my duty let's hope it helps
Brilliant, well done! 👏
Man, I love the fediverse. Such good vibes and I get to learn stuff. I'm also hoping the fascists won't get too many votes.
Alas, "voting for ANY party except the AfD" won't stop "them by diluting their vote share". It's quite the opposite in case there is a high number of votes for the many parties that won't get passed the 5% threshold for their share won't matter when it comes to distributing seats in the parliament. Eventually, once the election is done, those votes are as good as haven't voted at all.
I've had a lot of feedback from people about this today, that's why I added the voting tip in the reply:


Apparently the candidate vote can be for a very small party as long as the candidate is doing well in that district.

The party vote does need to be for a party likely to get over 5% to have a likely effect.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
Already done!

As some people pointed out - the #noCDU Candidate is also very much aspiring to become the new Trump...

So please don't vote for them either.

Thank you! :)
Fantastic that you voted! 💪
Of course... ;) Trying to motivate everyone as well and promoting the left!
• ✅☑️ ✔️
Well done! 👏