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One of my roles at the moment is marking undergraduate assignments, specifically policy briefs

There is little more demoralising in this role than opening yet another #AIGenerated flurb of words with no citations, or fake citations, or citations that bear little resemblance to the text they are associated with

Yes, I am checking

Because its not fair on the #students who do the work themselves

#teaching #academia
I'm 3/4 of the way through and hate that I now approach each new assignment with suspicion rather than an open mind


Today's horror is discovering that there appear to be fictional journals that appear in the reference lists of multiple published articles

For example the "Journal of Digital Rights" and "International Journal of Digital Ethics"



#AIHell #WhatInTheFreshAIHell
And also the mild sense of nausea with all the #AIGenerated imagery, FFS
Image appears to depict a grey concrete tower block from above, with a view all the way down to the grey concrete streets, containing a few cars, and with grey concrete tower blocks in the background. On the top of one wall of the tower block is a large white sign saying "FOR RENT" in red, followed by some number-like shapes. Covering the roof of the main tower block, and apparently oozing from the windows, are hundreds of forms that appear to be roughly human, there are legs and torsos, all densely crowded together. There are other forms on the street that are more convincingly human, but not by much.
wtf is this even supposed to illustrate