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« … Microsoft’s complicity goes beyond providing standard services… »⁣⁣⁣

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#Palestine #ceasefire #FreePalestine @palestine⁣⁣

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speculations are not to be confused with actual events...

the anachronism would be funny if not for the fact that such complicity is not a laughing matter...

however enticing, generalizations about businesses are not to be confused with facts…
Every #statistic comes with some kind of loss. #Deduction of rules from #observation|s suffers that same #destiny. Free me with a better #method. ;)

@JoeQuinlan @palestine

better methods :

· refraining from such generalizations
· refraining from sowing the seeds of hate against businesses
· citing actual statistics and providing sources
· silence
Such #rules might have been #appropriate for journalists of a former but lost #civilization, but I'm not doing #journalism here, as no one else does, I suppose.

With respect to the #businesses topic I'd like to recommend an exciting #analysis from the year when #InternationalLaw was given its deathblow:


@JoeQuinlan @palestine
@JoeQuinlan @palestine

none of that justifies the generalization, which remains misleading…

it's not about journalism nor lost civilizations, it's about truth and fact… if you prefer to inject disorder into your own mind, it's your choice, but then don't be surprised if you end up having to deal with inner turmoil, and if people call out your claims, if only to guard their own mind against misrepresentations, such as your suggestion regarding the state of international law…
Thanks for your #discoursive #patience, which is appreciated indeed.

My #mathematician type of soul likes to put things rational and far from additional #fake attributes.

So, when you look at businesses' e.g. #SOPs, #guidelines, you will rarely find binding #ethics rulings.

This is not at all surprising and not to be misunderstood as #insult.

However, you might be referring to business ethics instead, thus touching a different semantic field. ;)

@JoeQuinlan @palestine
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)

still, none of that justifies the original generalization… « rarely » does not mean never, and moreover, the existence of guidelines and standard procedures do not imply that people don't care, nor that such directives never leave any room for ethics, nor that they are always followed to the letter…

intended as insult or not, the generalization remains unconditionally derogatory towards businesses, and by the same token towards the people who operate them…
Businesses are not #godesses. Anyone claiming to be perfect commits #blasphemy. Take it or not. I won't care anymore.

@JoeQuinlan @palestine
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)