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His name: Drag Queen
I’m hoping no one was using that ladder. 😆 “It was right here. I was walked away to fix something, and now it’s gone.”
so very pleased about it, and justifiably so.
That's one strong dog.
The only thing my boy steals are one specific pair of socks belonging to my roommate and her kid’s unicorn headband.
Picture of my tabby kitten with a colorful unicorn headband in his mouth he had stolen from the child downstairs.
Photo of my kitten trying to play fetch with a pair of my roommate socks he had stolen from downstairs.
He's got to be the branch manager.
Our monster-in-repose. Cocoa 65 lb baby terror.
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon

what the dog buildin
came here to ask exactly that. Also, should we be scared?