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A Window to the Soul, Scotland (2024).

As promised, a different take on this spectacular view point overlooking the ancient Caledonian Forest. These two pines were gathering some wonderful dappled light and framing the loch beautifully — although balancing the composition wasn't without its difficulties on this very steep slope.

#scotland #uk #landscape #LandscapePhotography #woodland #NaturePhotography #nature
Two scots pine trees lean slightly outwards creating a beautiful frame through which a loch surrounded by autumn colours can be seen. Dappled light plays across the view creating moments of brilliant yellow and orange.
I have to thank you for the great picture
Is that Loch Tummel in the background?
It isn't Loch Tummel, no. Queen's view is a bit more wide/open and pastoral in feeling - still a gorgeous spot though!

(I typically don't disclose specific locations online btw)
At least the area reminds me of Loch Tummel.
Really beautiful landscape
yes similar set up looking down the glen at lochs with lovely forests on either side!
i love the scottish landscapes and we celebrated our 25th anniversary in 2023, in scotland of course
Zwei Campingstühle stehen auf einer grünen Wiese.
Vor den Stühlen breitet such weites flaches Land aus, das mit grünem und braunem Gras bewachsen ist.
In der Ferne erheben sich Felsen und Hügel, auf denen vereinzelte Baume stehen.
Dazwischen sind einzelne von der sonne beschienenene helle Flecke zu sehen
the only way to do it! congrats :)