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New employee orientation at Monterey Bay Aquarium

#Monterey #Nature #Marine
I am feeding some steelhead trout babies
Saying hi to Tino the giant pacific octopus (still young)
A selfie with a giant pacific octopus
A person holding their hand out to the octopus
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Employee perk: being able to see the kelp forest with no people around (before we open!
A photo of a leopard shark swimming past the kelp with many perch and bass
A photo of the kelp forest exhibit
Keep your nudibranchs close and your anemones closer

#Marine #Puns
A photo of white-spotted rose anemone and giant green anemone
The northern anchovy ‘yawns’ as it eats because it’s opening its mouth and eating everything
Northern anchovy with open mouth
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I got to squish a moon jelly
A photo of a person squishing a moon jelly
I think I’ll keep updating this thread to share the joy I see whenever I am onsite (which is going to be, often, coz I need this)

I learned that the jellies have circular tanks because.. they get stuck in corners
A photo of moon jellies in a circular tank

GlennMG hat dies geteilt

Top view of an actual shark tank
A photo of the shark tank from the top with many types of sharks including 7-gilled sharks
We don’t have corn holes. We have coral hole
A corn hole game but with corals
The view on my walk to work when I’m down there
A view of the beach in Monterey
Sticking my phone through the holes of a fence. And finding a (I think) Brandt’s cormorant colony

A photo of many cormorants sitting together with gulls
Kind of unfair that a random photo out of the railings has birds and otters in it
A photo of the water outside the aquarium. There’s an otter floating upside down and a bird in the foreground on a ledge
I get to sea the open sea exhibit before we open! A sure way to know we haven’t opened is there are bubbles in the water
A photo of dolphinfish in the open sea exhibit with lots of bubbles
The Monterey bay aquarium stands on the grounds of a former sardine cannery. Due to overfishing, the sardine population collapsed. When I heard about this I thought of the Silicon Valley office parks 50 miles north, engaged in modern extractive exploitation without ever giving back.

The recovery of the bay, the work of the aquarium and the marine national park status has completely changed the environment
A photo of the Hovden cannery after the collapse
A photo of Monterey bay aquarium that I took
Attending a staff-only internal guitar concert in the open sea exhibit this morning

You can watch some live cams here (of the animals, not the concert)

A photo of sardines swimming around
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Meeting in the kelp forest (we are closed today for a staff only event)
A photo of people sitting in the kelp forest exhibit
There really was a guitar concert in front of the sea nettles this morning
 Photo of a silhouette of a guitar player against a background of beautiful sea nettles
An exhibit that shows what a ‘whale fall’ looks like
An exhibit of fake whale bones at the bottom of the sea floor
Slow shutter speed / low light photo of a lump fish
A photo of a lump fish that looks kind of blurry but cool
Move over, JK ‘TERFY’ Rowling.

Here’s ’Hairy Otter’, written by (probably) JK Owl
A photo of a large otter mascot holding a shirt that says Hairy Otter. The otter character is wearing ‘the boy wizard’ style glasses
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My friends are asking if I’m involved in any of the fun social media and I’m like nope but I love that team and I’m trying to meet all of them

(Monterey Bay is the GOAT: Greatest Ocean of all Time)

A screenshot of an Instagram post where Margaret Spring the Chief Conservation and Science Officer pointing at the bay and saying Greatest Ocean of All Time (GOAT)
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The otter people didn’t let me take my phone to the behind the scenes otter feeding, but promised to send me photos after so

#Marine #Mammals #Otters #OttersOfMastodon #OttersOfTheFediverse
A photo of two otters, one is somewhat cream colored
At work they got us to head out to connect with the ocean. Honestly can’t believe I get to be here

Also not lost on me that this very beach was yet another Chinese settlement that was destroyed by ‘fire’ in 1906
A photo of the Pacific Ocean from a small beach
View from a room where I’m having a 3 day training program
A photo of Brandt’s cormorants sitting on a platform
View from my last day of training
A photo of gopher rockfish and kelp, pretty close up
A photo of the kelp forest
Someone just told me ‘California sheephead transition from female to male, AND conjure a sphere of mucus to protect them when they sleep’
A photo of a California sheephead female in mid- gender transition
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Maybe it shows I spend a lot of time looking at jellyfish but I got in this morning and was like NEW JELLY
A egg yolk jellyfish up close
The text of the exhibit for egg yolk jelly. It says they eat gelatinous animals including other jellies
Some photos of the outside

I love going to see the jellies
A photo of some jellyfish
A coworker showed me her anglerfish plush toy
A photo of an anglerfish plush toy
Many of my days in Monterey kick off here. It’s the coffee spot near work I tend to have breakfast meetings at, and also the mid point stop on my bike ride there.
A view of the sky from Monterey plaza hotel
Some days I feel like I’m in a John Steinbeck novel
A black and white ish digital photo of some old huts near cannery row
Can’t believe I get to see penguins while I’m at work
A photo of African penguins
View from an office window (and I work in one of the ‘boring’ office buildings, not at the main aquarium). They all have pretty good views I think
A photo of Monterey bay taken from pacific grove
I get notes with fish on them
A photo of a note with my name and a printed photo of fish
The kelp forest exhibit says something like ‘you always know it’s a rockfish when it’s just laying there not moving’

A photo of rockfish in the kelp forest conserving its energy and not moving
Birds before work (I went through a secret door to find some cormorants)

#Birds #Monterey #Birding
A photo of sold cormorants perched along a ledge of the not public side of Monterey bay aquarium
My wife is in town (very rare!) so we took a nice evening stroll from the aquarium to the Sandbar
A photo of Brandt’s cormorants perched on platforms by the water. In the evening, with a pinkish sunset
Black necked stilts at our onsite aviary (which rehabilitates and releases injured birds, and keeps those who can’t be released)
A photo of a black-necked stilt in the water
The ‘wave crash’ feature at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
A large glass tunnel where waves crash on it. You can walk through it. At the Rocky Shore exhibit
I love this pic I took of the avocet this morning. I went to the aviary this morning before we opened and I had the whole place to myself

#Birding #Avocet #Shorebirds
An avocet standing on a sandy area
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I like to take the scenic route to my office (past the kelp forest)
A photo of a California sheepshead
A photo of a leopard shark
The back deck when there’s no one there is really cool
A photo of some kind of gull flying by the bay
A photo of the back of the Monterey bay aquarium
I don’t know if you know how big this tank is

You can also se inside here https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams/kelp-forest-cam
A photo of the large kelp forest tank with humans for perspective
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The round blob in the top center is a southern sea otter frolicking by herself
A photo of one of the sea otters frolicking and turning and playing
Seen around the office.

1. Sunfish costume (!!)
2. Penguin plushie
A penguin plushy
A sunfish costume with a pride flag
Pacific sardines at the roundabout
A photo of pacific sardines swimming around at a round overhead tank
Same window, a few seconds apart
A photo of a circular window that shows a California sheepshead
A photo of a circular window that shows a leopard shark
A photo of a circular window that shows many types of fish including rockfish
The world feels weird. I’m just going to work by a window
A photo of a couch right by Monterey bay
I love that this penguin waddled over to ‘chat’
A photo of two African penguins looking like they’re talking
I need to not buy all the things at the store
A photo of otter plushies and penguins