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Beiträge, die mit Anti getaggt sind

Raoul Peck raconte Ernest Cole, le photographe de l’apartheid https://www.bondyblog.fr/opinions/interview/raoul-peck-raconte-ernest-cole-le-photographe-de-lapartheid/ #anti-colonialisme #Afriquedusud #colonialisme #photographie #ernestcole #Interview #apartheid #raoulpeck #Histoire #haïti

Here Come The Anti-Woke Venture Capitalists

A group called New Founding that says its “birthright is to lead Western civilization” is among firms (like 1789 Capital) building a new VC blueprint — and billionaire Marc Andreessen is in.

New Founding led by Nate Fischer has only raised $3mil (so far)

#NewFounding #NateFischer #AntiWoke #Anti-Woke


Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
Around 80 people protested in Montreal with some carrying signs saying "Canada out of NATO" and chanted "solidarity with Palestine."
#globalnews #Canada #World #anti-Semitism #Israel

Contre-insurrection et antiterrorisme : l'ennemi est-il devenu bête ? https://paris-luttes.info/contre-insurrection-et-18863 #Paris19e #Résistancesetsolidaritésinternationales #contre-insurrection #débat-discussion #anti-terrorisme #impérialisme #antisionisme #Palestine