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Beiträge, die mit CATHOLICS getaggt sind

Don’t be fooled by all the Catholics in the cabinet or the Latin coming from the Oval Office. Trump’s policies now destroying people’s livelihoods and lives cannot be supported by anyone, Catholic or not.


As for Trump’s years at Jesuit Fordham University...at a pre-Christmas alumni luncheon, Fordham’s president said her office once received a call demanding Trump’s transcript be kept secret.

There may be a reason for that.



FWIW, I left GOP about 20 years ago after determining it had lost the crucial attribute of compassion.

"Pope's call for compassion for immigrants prompts Trump adviser Homan retort"


'He ought to focus on his work and leave enforcement to us,' border czar says.

"I wish he'd stick to the Catholic Church and fix that and leave the border enforcement to us."

Homan said he is a lifelong member of the Catholic Church.

#religion #Catholics #immigration #compassion #press

How can the U.S. argue against Hamas & the Resistance, which fights for freedom for Palestinians & to stop genocide of their kids when we, with Zionists, support(ed) Takfiri "terrorists" in Syria? This is not about "Democracy" or "Human Rights!"


#Muslim #Muslims #allah #jews #catholics #Buddhists #Christians #Sikhs #Alawites #druse #Hindus #isis #alQaeda #Syria #hezbollah #Lebanon #turkey #Iran #saudiarabia #Jordan #Libya #Algeria #Tunisia #Egypt #Africa #uae #yemen #Oman #Israel #Malaysia #Indonesia #China #Russia #Unitednations #humanity #savethechildren #statedept #cia