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Beiträge, die mit DefendDemocracy getaggt sind

Why is Politico Europe amplifying the polarising propaganda of an American far-right activist oligarch?

6 articles in the last 24 hours!

#EUpol #journalism #DefendDemocracy

The #MSM consolidation continues. More and more local independent media outlets are getting swallowed up by larger corporate giants from who knows where! This is how #Democracy dies. And now that the #UnitedStates will have a fascist in our White House, AGAIN!! the threat is even greater!

An #oregon_public_broadcasting article illustrates the situation.

#USpol #USPolitics


The jaw-dropping coup attempt, that shook South Korea today reminds me of the tyrants' playbook as also read by former member of U.S. military, Mike Flynn, who proposed Trump should declare martial law, shortly before Jan 6, 2021, to sabotage the certification of Electoral College votes, confirming then-President-elect Joe Biden's 2020 election victory.

Less than two weeks after being pardoned [by Donald Trump], retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn took to the airwaves to suggest President Trump could impose martial law and deploy the military to re-run the election. Apparently, this proposal intrigued President Trump, who invited Flynn to the White House to hear more.

[I wouldn't be surprised, if Trump nominated treasonous Flynn for the SecDef post anyway]

#RuleOfLaw #Trump #Coup #MartialLaw #CoupAttempt #Overthrow #SouthKorea #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #DefendTheUnion #Democracy #Law #USPol #USPolitics #AmericaDeservesBetter #AmericaHasBetter #HarrisWalz