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Beiträge, die mit GTA3 getaggt sind

:blobcatgamer: Fan made Dreamcast Port of GTA 3 [Steals the Show].

Thanks to [Stefanos] and his team, the genre defining Grand Theft Auto III [GTA 3], can now run on Sega’s hardware. Their combined efforts have yielded a fully playable port of the PC version of the game for Sega Dreamcast.


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The porting effort was years in the making. It began with reverse engineering the entire source code of GTA 3 then implementing it into the homebrew SDK for the Dreamcast, KallistiOS. All the in-game graphic and sound assets are only pulled from a user provided PC copy of the game. Steps for those seeking to compile a bootable Dreamcast image of their own have been provided on the project’s website.


Recently one of the original developers of GTA 3 [Obbe Vermejj], divulged that the game actually began development on the Dreamcast. The project was obviously transferred onto PlayStation 2 for commercial reasons, but with this port from [Stefanos] and crew, we no longer have to dream of what could have been.
[ImageSource: Stefanos]

As it turns out, Sega’s long defunct Dreamcast console is still thinking. The company behind the machine cut support long ago due in part to the commercial pressures applied by Sony’s PlayStation 2 console, but that never stopped the most dedicated of Dreamcast fans from seeking out its true potential.

This port of GTA 3 represents what could have been a true butterfly effect moment in console gaming history. The game was a major hit in the early days of the PlayStation 2, and it has been theorized that it could have proven to be a major commercial success for Sega as well had it been pressed onto a Dreamcast GD-ROM disc.