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Beiträge, die mit HAWAII getaggt sind

At least 3 dead, multiple injured in massive New Year’s Eve fireworks explosion in Hawaii


Honolulu police said the explosion occurred after someone lit an “aerial cake” that fell to the side and rocketed into crates of additional caches of pyrotechnics, then erupted outward.


Ian Lind: “Hawaii Observer” has been digitized by UH Library and is publicly available online. “The Hawaii Observer appeared on the scene in February 1973, and its final issue was dated just five years later in March 1978. The University of Hawaii at Manoa Library has completed the project to digitize the Observer the result is now online.”


Up momentarily on #MSNBC: #Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, M.D. talks to Jonathan Capehart about how he helped rescue Samoa after #RFKJr's vaccine misinformation spread needless death.

"I never like to root against fellow reporters, but I’ll admit I was also happy to see them go. While James and Rose did not actively supplant any existing newsroom jobs, I was concerned that the effort diverted resources that could be used on traditional media expenses, like human reporters, photographers, and editors.

The Garden Island was severely underresourced—for much of my time working there, I was one of only two reporters covering an island of 73,000. The paper was purchased earlier this year by the conglomerate Carpenter Media Group, which controls more than 100 local outlets throughout North America.

Caledo, while declining to disclose how much it was paid, said that new ads embedded in the broadcasts would offset the cost of the program. However, it does not appear as though OPI was able to sell a single ad on the videos."


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🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.4 strikes 46 mi S of Hawaiian Paradise Park (#Hawaii) 2 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1725692

Lawsuit over last year’s deadly Maui wildfires settled for $4bn
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At least 36 people killed in Hawaii's Lahaina fire, Maui County reports https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-10/at-least-36-people-have-died-in-hawaii-lahaina-fire/102715658 #Hawaii #fires #climate