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Beiträge, die mit TheTerminator getaggt sind

Remember how #Skynet and #Terminators were just fine with a #nuclear devastated world? Hmmm... #BigTech is going all in on #NuclearPower as sustainability concerns around #AI grow

Yahoo Finance
Daniel Howley
October 23, 2024

"#ArtificialIntelligence has driven shares of tech companies like #Microsoft (#MSFT), #Amazon (#AMZN), #Nvidia (N#VDA), and #Google (GOOG, GOOGL) to new highs this year. But the technology, which companies promise will revolutionize our lives, is driving something else just as high as stock prices: #EnergyConsumption [and #WaterConsumption].

"#AI #DataCenters use huge amounts of power and could increase energy demand by as much as 20% over the next decade, according to a Department of Energy spokesperson. Pair that with the continued growth of the broader cloud computing market, and you’ve got an energy squeeze.

"But Big Tech has also set ambitious sustainability goals focused on the use of low-carbon and zero-carbon sources to reduce its impact on climate change. While renewable energy like solar and wind are certainly part of that equation, tech companies need uninterruptible power sources. And for that, they’re leaning into #NuclearPower.

"Tech giants aren’t just planning to hook into existing plants, either. They’re working with energy companies to bring mothballed facilities like Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island back online and looking to build small modular reactors (#SMRs) that take up less space than traditional plants and, the hope is, are cheaper to construct.

"But there are still plenty of questions as to whether these investments in nuclear energy will ever pan out, not to mention how long it will take to build any new reactors."

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#AI #NoNukesForAI #Cryptocurrency #WaterIsLife #NoNukes #RethinkNotRestart #ThreeMileIsland #TheTerminator #JudgmentDay #NuclearPowerNoThanks

‘I no longer love blue skies. In fact, I now prefer gray skies. The drones do not fly when the skies are gray,’ stated thirteen-year-old Zubair in his testimony before Congress in 2013.

The Palestine Laboratory

Elbit: Masters of War 21st Century style

Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles

#Ai #Gaza #Palestine #Ukraine #drones #UAV #Elbit #militaryindustrialcomplex #TheTerminator
Elbit drones have operated for decades across the globe and its Hermes model was used in the killing of aid workers in Gaza in April 2024. Three types of automated (no pilot on board) drone remotely guided for surveillance or to kill 

Photo: Elbit Systems