Beiträge, die mit hezbolláh getaggt sind
#Știri #Israel #Terorism
Liban. Forțele navale israeliene au desfășurat, pentru prima dată, un raid în nordul țării, de unde au capturat un lider Hezbollah. Ministrul libanez al Transporturilor susține că este vorba de "un simplu căpitan al unei nave civile". - Biziday
Trupele speciale au descins sâmbătă pe coasta libaneză la Batroun, un oraș aflat la aproape 160 de kilometri de granița dintre Liban și Israel.Iulia (Biziday)
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
#Știri #Liban #Terorism
Forţele israeliene au capturat un "agent important" al Hezbollah în nordul Libanului, afirmă un oficial militar israelian
Forţele navale israeliene au capturat un agent important al Hezbollah în nordul Libanului, a declarat sâmbătă un oficial militar israelian, în contextulRedacția (G4media)
#Hezbollah also published a new #propaganda #video titled 'You will not have any tanks left.' []( (video on my #telegram channel)
#Lebanon #Israel #Military
@lebanon @israel
Al-Manar correspondent: A very large explosion occurred in the vicinity of the Birkat Risha military site, and columns of smoke rose from its surroundings on both the Lebanese and occupied sides.
PS. What happened to IDF primary goal of liberating the hostages?
#Israel #Lebanon #Hezbollah #BirkatRishaBase #Drones #Missiles @lebanon group @israel group
The operation took place in the northern Lebanese town of Batroun, the official said without providing the name of the person they detained.”
Israeli forces capture senior Hezbollah operative in north Lebanon, Israeli military official says
An Israeli military official says Israeli naval forces have captured a senior Hezbollah operative in north Lebanon.BASSEM MROUE (AP News)
#Hezbollah: In the framework of the Khyber operation series and with a call from you Nasrallah, this morning we targeted the Palmachim air base (including the #military research center and the Hatz radar system) in the south of #TelAviv with strike #drones. And we made its goals precise.
#israel #Lebanon
@israel group @lebanon group
9 maps 👇
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Leeuwarder Courant
De situatie in het Midden-Oosten staat nog altijd op scherp. Hezbollah blijft Israël vanuit Libanon bestoken. Iran zou zich beraden op een nieuwe aanval op de Joodse staat. Het Israëlische leger slaat ondertussen hard toe in de regio.
#Midden_Oosten #Hezbollah #Israël #Libanon #Joodse #Israëlische
LIVE | Iraakse groepering zegt doel in noorden Israël geraakt te hebben
Liveblog: Het Midden-Oosten staat onder hoogspanning en wereldwijd nemen de protesten tegen Israël toe.Dagblad van het Noorden
#Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
15 Israeli Forces Killed, Injured in Northern Gaza as Qassam Fighters Target Hideout
Hamas’ armed wing, Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, claims responsibility for targeting Israeli troops in northern
#Houthi #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #airstrike #Israel #Gaza #IDF #Palestine #IRAN #IsraelUnderAttack #GazaUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineConflict #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Hamas
15 Israeli Forces Killed, Injured in Northern Gaza as Qassam Fighters Target Hideout
Hamas’ armed wing, Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, claims responsibility for targeting Israeli troops in northern
"When 500 Arabs protested the settlement in 1965 by marching from Occupied #Jaffa ("#TelAviv"), they were told "#Karmiel was not built to solve the problems for the people in the surrounding area." (meaning anyone but Jews) ...The leaders of the protest were arrested, tried by a military tribunal and shot... "#Israel" does not have a history, only a #criminalrecord."
Footage Full text in image alt @palestine
Hezbollah sources claim that they have killed or wounded over 200 Israeli soldiers in the past 48 hours
There are no confirmations possible but the moral of Israeli soldiers in occupied Lebanon is pretty low and they keep falling for Hezbollah traps.
Hezb also claims they have damaged or destroyed 30 Markva tanks and many more armored vehicles since the start of the invasion.
#Lebanon #Israel #Hezbollah #IDF
@lebanon group @israel group
#Știri #Terorism
Imperiul drogurilor controlat de Hezbollah e cheia finanțării grupării teroriste, susține fostul ambasador al Israelului în SUA. Câți bani face Hezbollah din Captagon
Israelul ar trebui să lovească direct imperiul drogurilor controlat de Hezbollah, un pas esențial în slăbirea puterii grupării teroriste și înAlexandru Mihăescu (G4media)
#liban #hezbollah #324cat #proximorient #israel
„Without … a concentrated effort, the current trajectory of the conflict will produce further turmoil in Lebanon, as Israel continues to respond to Hezbollah attacks with disproportional violence that leads to more mass displacement. A campaign of chaos (…) might offer some limited political benefit to Netanyahu & his far-right government. For (…) Lebanese civilians, it will be a disaster.“
Israel Brings Its Gaza Strategy to Lebanon: But Hezbollah Is Not Hamas—and Diplomacy Could Still Work
Hezbollah is not Hamas—and diplomacy could still work.Mohanad Hage Ali (Foreign Affairs Magazine)
"The office of Lebanese caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati denied an earlier report by Reuters that the #US had asked Lebanon to declare a unilateral ceasefire, after two sources told Reuters that a US envoy had made the request to inject momentum into stalled talks on a deal to end hostilities between #Hezbollah and #Israel.
In a statement to Reuters, Mikati’s office said the government’s stance was clear on seeking a ceasefire from both sides and the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the last round of conflict between the two foes in 2006."
#Lebanon #ceasefire #IsraelTerroristState
„Following the death of 4 Thai citizens in rocket attacks on northern Israel, the government in Bangkok has called for better protection for agricultural workers. (…) Thailand called on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease all retaliatory measures & restore regional peace. The workers were killed yesterday in an attack by … Hezbollah…“
(Source; german only:)
Nahost - Thailand fordert von Israel besseren Schutz von Landarbeitern
Nach dem Tod von vier thailändischen Staatsbürgern bei Raketenangriffen auf Nordisrael hat die Regierung in Bangkok einen besseren Schutz von Landarbeitern gefordert.Die Nachrichten
„Nervously watching Israel's destructive campaigns in Gaza and Lebanon, Iraq is working to avoid being drawn into the growing regional conflict as Iran-backed armed groups launch attacks on Israel from Iraqi soil, sources familiar with the matter say.“
En direct : des frappes sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth après un appel à évacuer
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #hezbollah #Liban
En direct : des frappes sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth après un appel à évacuer - [mcInform@ctions]
Au moins trois frappes ont visé vendredi matin la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, selon les images de l’AFPTV, après un appel à évacuer le
Rocket fire from Lebanon kills 7 in Israel as US officials try to push for cease-fires - EUROPE SAYS
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Rocket barrages from Lebanon into northern Israel killed four foreign workers and threeEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
At War in Ukraine, #Putin Emerges as Potential Peace Broker in #MiddleEast - Newsweek
H/t DDGeopolitics, that has a little commentary here @lebanon
At War in Ukraine, Putin Emerges as Potential Peace Broker in Middle East
A former Israeli official told Newsweek that because of Russia's strong ties with Iran, Moscow may be able to boost the stability of a Lebanese peace deal.Tom O'Connor (Newsweek)
#Știri #Terorism
Două atacuri Hezbollah cu rachete au făcut şapte morţi în Israel, cel mai grav bilanţ din ultimele luni
Două atacuri separate cu rachete ale Hezbollah au ucis joi şapte persoane în nordul Israelului, potrivit autorităţilor, acesta fiind cel mai grav bilanţRedacția (G4media)
„Two separate Hezbollah rocket attacks have killed seven people in northern Israel, authorities say - the deadliest such strikes in months.
An Israeli farmer and four foreign agricultural workers were killed when rockets landed near Metula, a town on the border with Lebanon, Foreign Minister Israel Katz said.
Later, a woman in her 60s and a man around 30 were killed near Kibbutz Afek (…).“
Hezbollah rocket attacks kill seven in northern Israel
They were killed in two areas, in the deadliest series of rocket attacks on Israel in months.David Gritten (BBC News)
"...there is no difference in the American elections between Trump or Kamala Harris coming to power in the administration of American evil."
Via #election2024 #uselection