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Beiträge, die mit HAMAS getaggt sind

Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática

Confira! 👇

#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo

The Israeli Defense Ministry purchased 134 D9 bulldozers for the IDF, but the U.S. has been blocking the deal for months due to protests over their use in demolishing Palestinian homes in Gaza.

Security officials state, “The D9s are worn out from operations, and we need them for Lebanon as well. This silent embargo endangers IDF troops, especially from explosives.”

The Biden U.S. Embassy responded, “The requests are under regular review.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Netanyahu Breaks Silence: Admits Responsibility Pager Operation

At today’s government meeting, Netanyahu acknowledged responsibility for the pager operation against Hezbollah for the first time.

“Senior security officials and the political leadership overseeing them opposed both the pager operation and Nasrallah’s elimination,” he said.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #iran #hezbollah #Lebanon #BreakingNews #Breaking

"Israel publishes footage of Hamas torturing Palestinian detainees in Gaza"


"Clips show people bound, beaten, their limbs forced into unnatural positions; IDF says video shows terror group’s ‘brutal method’ of repressing dissent"

#Hamas #terrorists #torture #dissent #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #IDF #video #press

Was macht man eigentlich wenn man weder die genozidale rechts-extremistische religiös-fanatische Israel Regierung unterstützen will noch die genozidale, religiös-extremistische Hamas Palästinenser?

Einfach die Schnauze halten und in Deckung bleiben sonst wird man von Beiden gelyncht?


#qatar #palestine #israel : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #diplomaticrelations / #ceasefire / #mediation

„Officials (…) said … that Qatar … had asked Hamas’s political leaders to leave the Gulf country, where they maintain an office.“


See also:

„Qatar suspends its mediation efforts on Gaza and the Hamas office there may have to leave“

It was never about #Hamas, pro Israeli accounts are being pushed by #TikTok sharing outrageous videos, from playing victim to call for ethnic cleansing of #Gaza abd celebrating destruction of schools and civilian residence there.

It's just sickening that the freaking TikTok the is blocking so many anti #genocide videos and banning people for ridiculous reasons, tolerates and promote such contents.

PS not going to link to them

#Israel #Prppaganda #Palestine #DoubleStandard #Hypocrisy

Det här är intressant. Domstolen i Berlin har nu fastställt att slagordet ”From the river to the sea” är liktydigt med uppmaning till terror, och ska lagföras.


#hamas #palestina #israel #antisemitism #terrorism

Die Angriffe kamen aus der Luft und in der Nacht: Die Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritannien haben »moderne Waffenlager« im Jemen ins Visier genommen, mit denen die Huthis die internationale Schifffahrt attackieren wollten.#Huthi #Jemen #Israel #Gazastreifen #Iran #Hamas

Qatar has suspended its work as a mediator in ceasefire and hostage release talks between Israel and Hamas...
#middleeast #qatar #Israel #hamas #ceasefire #MiddleEastCrisis #newsheadlines #middleeastconflict https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c774d4p2mx6o


Evidence of Hamas torturing Palestinians.

"Palestinian Ahmed Fouad Alkharib, who is now based in the US and is a fellow at the Atlantic Council think- tank, said: 'Extreme torture has been a fundamental component of Hamas' governance strategy to ensure they deter people and instil fear in those who speak out"



█ Qatar abandona la mediació entre Hamas i Israel: les converses de pau queden estancades ▓▒░ L'Emirat també ha decidit tancar l'oficina política palestina que hi havia a Doha perquè assegura que no té raó de ser després de mesos de negociacions infructuoses

#324cat #hamas #proximorient #israel
Un grup de palestins es reuneix al lloc d'un dels atacs israelians contra una casa, a Jabalia, al nord de la Franja de Gaza, el 10 de novembre (Reuters/Hassan Al-Zaanin)
Tres israelians miren el nord de Gaza des d'un mirador a prop de la frontera, enmig del conflicte en curs a Gaza entre Israel i Hamas, vist des d'Israel (Reuters/Amir Cohen)

Club de Mediapart/ Aurélien VW Professeur d’histoire-géographie.
Le « pogrom » d’Amsterdam : retour sur l’interprétation des faits
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #Amsterdam

🇶🇦 «On ne croit plus aux négociations»: le retrait du Qatar, symbole d'une médiation dans l'impasse https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Qatar #Israel #Hamas

Die Angriffe kamen aus der Luft und in der Nacht: Die Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritannien haben »moderne Waffenlager« im Jemen ins Visier genommen, mit denen die Huthis die internationale Schifffahrt attackieren wollten.#Huthi #Jemen #Israel #Gazastreifen #Iran #Hamas

Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática

Confira! 👇

#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo

Liban : frappes israéliennes à Tyr et sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, plusieurs morts
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #hezbollah #Liban

The #IDF discovered THOUSANDS of hours of sickening footage showing #Hamas torturing Palestinian civilians in #Gaza.

Video found in a Hamas basement show #Palestinians chained to floors and ceilings in painful positions.

The Gulf state told Israel and Hamas last month that it would suspend mediation after nearly a year of failed attempts to broker a ceasefire.
#Qatar #Gaza #Israel #Hamas

Qatar has suspended its work as a mediator in ceasefire and hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas. "Qatar notified the parties 10 days ago during the last attempts to reach an agreement, that it would stall its efforts to mediate between Hamas and Israel if an agreement was not reached in that round," a statement from the Qatari foreign ministry said. @BBCNews has more: https://flip.it/8_aJ3Q
#News #WorldNews #Israel #Hamas #Qatar #War #MiddleEastConflict

Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática

Confira! 👇

#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo

#Qatar rinuncia a #mediazione #Israele-#Hamas, “Le parti non si impegnano” https://www.liberoreporter.it/2024/11/primo-piano/qatar-rinuncia-a-mediazione-israele-hamas-le-parti-non-si-impegnano.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

🌍 ■ Qatar anuncia la suspensión de su mediación entre Israel y Hamás ■ El país afirma que "reanudará esos esfuerzos con sus socios cuando las partes demuestren su voluntad y su seriedad para poner fin a la brutal guerra y al actual sufrimiento de los civiles"

#actualidad #global #qatar #israel #conflictosinternacionales #hamas
Bandera de Qatar (Europa Press/Contacto/Sergi Reboredo - Archivo)

#Qatar trekt zich terug als onderhandelaar tussen #Hamas en #Israël

"Qatar trekt zich terug uit de onderhandelingen over een staakt-het-vuren tussen Hamas en Israël totdat beide partijen "blijk geven van oprechte bereidheid om terug te keren naar de onderhandelingstafel". Dat melden persbureau AFP en Reuters op basis van functionarissen die bij de onderhandelingen betrokken zijn."


Mit Ägypten und den USA bemühte sich Katar darum, die Hamas und Israel zu einer Gaza-Vereinbarung zu bewegen. Nun gibt Doha auf. Das dortige politische Büro der Hamas habe »seine Daseinsberechtigung verloren«.#Hamas #Katar #Israel-Gaza-Krieg

Corriere.it - Homepage by di Paolo Foschi e Redazione Online
Il Qatar si ritira dai negoziati: «La sede di Hamas a Doha non ha ragion d'essere»

Qatar is withdrawing from negotiations: "The Hamas headquarters in Doha has no reason to exist."

#qatar #Hamas #Doha

🇶🇦#Qatar‎ul și-a retras medierea dintre 🇮🇱#Israel și ☪️#Hamas, după luni de eforturi nereușite de a pune capăt războiului din #FâșiaGaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Vxr

#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #Terorism

“#Qatar will stop trying to mediate a #Gaza ceasefire deal until #Hamas & #Israel show a "sincere willingness" to return to the negotiating table, an official briefed on the matter …biggest setback to efforts to reach a truce since the war began.

The Gulf country has also concluded that Hamas' political office in Doha "no longer serves its purpose" in a blow to the Palestinian militant group whose top leaders have been assassinated by Israel” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/qatar-pull-out-gaza-ceasefire-mediation-source-says-2024-11-09/