Beiträge, die mit HAMAs getaggt sind
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#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo
Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática
A mesma fonte, em condição de anonimato, aponta a avaliação do Catar de que o escritório do Hamas em Doha “não tem mais razão de existir”AFP (CartaCapital)
Security officials state, “The D9s are worn out from operations, and we need them for Lebanon as well. This silent embargo endangers IDF troops, especially from explosives.”
The Biden U.S. Embassy responded, “The requests are under regular review.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #Israel #gaza #Hamas
At today’s government meeting, Netanyahu acknowledged responsibility for the pager operation against Hezbollah for the first time.
“Senior security officials and the political leadership overseeing them opposed both the pager operation and Nasrallah’s elimination,” he said.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #iran #hezbollah #Lebanon #BreakingNews #Breaking
"Clips show people bound, beaten, their limbs forced into unnatural positions; IDF says video shows terror group’s ‘brutal method’ of repressing dissent"
#Hamas #terrorists #torture #dissent #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #IDF #video #press
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#Pager #Líbano #Israel #Hezbollah #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #DetonaçãoDePagers #benjaminNetanyahu #Mundo
Netanyahu admite ter dado sinal verde para ataque com pagers contra o Hezbollah
A operação não havia sido reivindicada até entãoRFI (CartaCapital)
Einfach die Schnauze halten und in Deckung bleiben sonst wird man von Beiden gelyncht?
„Officials (…) said … that Qatar … had asked Hamas’s political leaders to leave the Gulf country, where they maintain an office.“
See also:
„Qatar suspends its mediation efforts on Gaza and the Hamas office there may have to leave“
Krieg in Gaza: Ein Vater, der seine Kinder nicht beschützen kann - Politik - EUROPE SAYS
Israels Armee weitet ihren Einsatz im Norden des Gazastreifens aus. Abdul Hadi Awkal erzählt, wie es ist, dortEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
It was never about #Hamas, pro Israeli accounts are being pushed by #TikTok sharing outrageous videos, from playing victim to call for ethnic cleansing of #Gaza abd celebrating destruction of schools and civilian residence there.
It's just sickening that the freaking TikTok the is blocking so many anti #genocide videos and banning people for ridiculous reasons, tolerates and promote such contents.
PS not going to link to them
#Israel #Prppaganda #Palestine #DoubleStandard #Hypocrisy
#hamas #palestina #israel #antisemitism #terrorism
„From the river to the sea“: Berliner Gericht stuft umstrittene Parole erstmals als Terror-Kennzeichen ein
Wer den Spruch „From the river to the sea“ gebraucht, macht sich des Verwendens von Terror-Kennzeichen schuldig, entscheidet das Landgericht. Eine 42-Jährige muss eine Geldstrafe zahlen.Kerstin Gehrke (Der Tagesspiegel)
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#OrienteMédio #Líbano #Israel #Irã #Hezbollah #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Mundo
Bombardeio israelense no norte de Beirute deixa pelo menos 20 mortos
Pelo menos três crianças estão entre as vítimas do ataqueAFP (CartaCapital)
News zum Nahostkonflikt: Mehrere Tote bei Luftangriffen im Gazastreifen und Libanon
Die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur berichtet von 36 Toten ...Julia Bergmann (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Qatar denies reports of ordering, Hamas leaders to leave.
Qatar halts its meditation efforts between Hamas and Israel.Junaid (Dedaandsons Global News Portal)
#middleeast #qatar #Israel #hamas #ceasefire #MiddleEastCrisis #newsheadlines #middleeastconflict
US 'won’t accept Hamas presence in Qatar'
The move appears to be an effort to pressurise the Palestinian group to accept a limited Gaza ceasefire.Joe Inwood (BBC News)
Evidence of Hamas torturing Palestinians.
"Palestinian Ahmed Fouad Alkharib, who is now based in the US and is a fellow at the Atlantic Council think- tank, said: 'Extreme torture has been a fundamental component of Hamas' governance strategy to ensure they deter people and instil fear in those who speak out"
Shackled and whipped with canes: Israel uncovers 'thousands of hours' of sickening footage showing...
The horrifying incidents appear to have been filmed inadvertently by CCTV cameras inside a Hamas military base in northern Gaza raided by Israeli troops this yearNatalie Lisbona (Daily Mail)
#324cat #hamas #proximorient #israel
Le « pogrom » d’Amsterdam : retour sur l’interprétation des faits
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #Amsterdam
Le « pogrom » d'Amsterdam : retour sur l'interprétation des faits - [mcInform@ctions]
Au moment où l’on commémore le 86e anniversaire de la Nuit de Cristal (9-10 novembre 1938), une mise au point nécessaire
#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Qatar #Israel #Hamas
Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen
election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales europé
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#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo
Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática
A mesma fonte, em condição de anonimato, aponta a avaliação do Catar de que o escritório do Hamas em Doha “não tem mais razão de existir”AFP (CartaCapital)
»The Qatari Foreign Ministry announced it had stepped back from talks, saying it would resume once Israel and Hamas “show willingness and seriousness.”«
Israel kills 32 in attack on Gaza’s Jabalia; Qatar suspends mediation with Hamas.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #BreakingNews #Breaking
LIVE: Israel kills 32 in attack on Gaza’s Jabalia; Qatar suspends mediation
Israeli attacks kill six Lebanese medics and two Palestinian journalists as Qatar suspends its Gaza ceasefire mediation.Mersiha Gadzo (Al Jazeera)
Liban : frappes israéliennes à Tyr et sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, plusieurs morts
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #hezbollah #Liban
Liban : frappes israéliennes à Tyr et sur la banlieue sud de Beyrouth, plusieurs morts - [mcInform@ctions]
L’aviation israélienne a bombardé tôt samedi la ville de Tyr (dans le sud du Liban), faisant plusieurs morts et des dizaines de blessés.
Video found in a Hamas basement show #Palestinians chained to floors and ceilings in painful positions.
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#OrienteMédio #Líbano #Israel #Irã #Hezbollah #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Eua #EstadosUnidos #Mundo
Irã alerta sobre risco de ‘propagação’ da guerra para além do Oriente Médio
Mesmo com alertas, Israel segue com bombardeios no Líbano e na Faixa de Gaza, além das constantes ameaças ao TeerãAFP (CartaCapital)
#Qatar #Gaza #Israel #Hamas
Qatar halts Gaza mediation until Israel, Hamas show 'seriousness'
The Gulf state told Israel and Hamas last month that it would suspend mediation after nearly a year of failed attempts to broker a ceasefire. | World NewsAFP (Hindustan Times)
#News #WorldNews #Israel #Hamas #Qatar #War #MiddleEastConflict
Qatar suspends role as mediator between Israel and Hamas
The move comes after US officials were quoted saying they would not accept Hamas's presence in Qatar.Joe Inwood & Rushdi Abualouf (BBC News)
News zum Nahostkonflikt: Katar: Bemühungen um Feuerpause ins Stocken geraten - Politik - EUROPE SAYS
Katar: Bemühungen um Feuerpause ins Stocken geratenNach Angaben des katarischen Außenministeriums sind die Vermittlungsbemühungen um einen Waffenstillstand imEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
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#Israel #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Catar #Mundo
Catar deixa de ser mediador na guerra em Gaza, diz fonte diplomática
A mesma fonte, em condição de anonimato, aponta a avaliação do Catar de que o escritório do Hamas em Doha “não tem mais razão de existir”AFP (CartaCapital)
Qatar rinuncia a mediazione Israele-Hamas, “Le parti non si impegnano”
Doha interrompe il ruolo di intermediario, criticando il mancato impegno delle parti. Hamas nega richieste di espulsione dal paese del golfo Persico Il Qatar ha abbandonato la mediazione tra Israel…LiberoReporter
#actualidad #global #qatar #israel #conflictosinternacionales #hamas
Qatar anuncia la suspensión de su mediación entre Israel y Hamás
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Qatar ha informado este sábado de que "paraliza" sus gestiones de mediación entre Israel y el Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica (Hamás) sobre el conflicto en la Franja de Gaza debido a la falta de avances.Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
"Qatar trekt zich terug uit de onderhandelingen over een staakt-het-vuren tussen Hamas en Israël totdat beide partijen "blijk geven van oprechte bereidheid om terug te keren naar de onderhandelingstafel". Dat melden persbureau AFP en Reuters op basis van functionarissen die bij de onderhandelingen betrokken zijn."
Qatar trekt zich terug als onderhandelaar tussen Hamas en Israël
Ook zou Qatar het politieke kantoor van Hamas in Qatar niet langer nodig vinden.NOS Nieuws
Il Qatar si ritira dai negoziati: «La sede di Hamas a Doha non ha ragion d'essere»
Qatar is withdrawing from negotiations: "The Hamas headquarters in Doha has no reason to exist."
#qatar #Hamas #Doha
Israele - Hamas, le notizie di oggi in diretta | Il Qatar si ritira dai negoziati: «La sede di Hamas a Doha non ha ragion d'essere». Sirene d'allarme suonano nel centro di Tel Aviv
Le notizie di sabato 9 novembre sul conflitto tra Israele e Hamas e sui fronti con Hezbollah, in Libano, e con Teheran, in direttaPaolo Foschi E Redazione Online (Corriere della Sera)
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #Terorism
Qatarul şi-a retras medierea dintre Israel şi Hamas, după luni de eforturi nereuşite de a pune capăt războiului din Fâşia Gaza
Qatarul şi-a retras medierea dintre Israel şi mişcarea palestiniană Hamas după luni de eforturi nereuşite de a pune capăt războiului din Fâşia Gaza, aRedacția (G4media)
The Gulf country has also concluded that Hamas' political office in Doha "no longer serves its purpose" in a blow to the Palestinian militant group whose top leaders have been assassinated by Israel”