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Beiträge, die mit LINUX getaggt sind

just got the #passkey demo on https://www.passkeys.io/ working on #linux
- distro: pop OS ("Ubuntu")
- browser: #firefox 120.0.1
- seurity key: #yubikey 5 NFC

'just worked' after setting a #FIDO2 PIN via YubiKey Manager https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016649039-Enabling-the-Yubico-PPA-on-Ubuntu#01H30DBXGX5RDD4AM7M815GAA3

Trying to debug stuttering/freezing on #popos #linux

Can someone confirm that all #dmesg output is available in #journalctl ?

Are there any other logs I should be looking at, and if yes how?

When buying a printer it used to be important to check that it works with well with a GNU/Linux system. According to https://wiki.debian.org/SystemPrinting , printers made after 2014 mostly work without problems.

What about printer/scanner devices? It appears they mostly work fine, according to https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSQuickPrintQueues#mfd

Does anyone have experience, good or bad, with setting up printer/scanners on GNU/Linux, especially #Debian?

#Linux #scanner #printer #MFD

Who can recommend me a german-english dictionary app that:

- works on #linux and/or #android
- is #floss
- doesn't need internet connection
- doesn't use electron
- has noun genders
- has verb conjugations

#Gnu #Linux
Para que lo tengas presente esta es la base del Software libre.
Sus 4 Libertades
Base del Software libre
 Las 4 libertades

Basics Tips Commands

#unix #linux #bash #tips #terminal #commands + #vim #emacs #nano #shortcut

#Lifehack: buy Linux-compatible equipment, even if you are not running #linux, because

1. The device adheres to open standards without tricks or drivers. It is portable. This is the gold standard for plug-and-play.

2. If a driver is conceptually necessary, see if a linux version exists. If yes,
it means that someone loved the device enough to do the work for free.

Follow the love, my friend.

Inhaltswarnung: Linux question KDE

I am looking for an #ebook #eink reader device.

- #foss operating system and apps
- supported (ideally, mainline) #linux kernel
- receiving updates

Any suggestion?


one office computer keeps freezing when it runs out of memory. it starts to swap and it becomes unresponsive. i suspect that swap file is much smaller then ram size. there's no other way than to hard reset.

what are steps to make sure this doesn't happen ever again?


#linux #SysAdmin #linuxMint #MateDesktop

Inhaltswarnung: :boosts_ok_gay:​Help with Linux Screenreaders