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Beiträge, die mit contemporaryArt getaggt sind

Portraits by Pakistani artist Ali Kazim, 2020s, whose use of color is inspired by his study of the Bengal School's watercolorists.

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Watercolor portrait of a Brown man wearing a white sleeveless tank standing against a pale background, with a brown duck on his head
Watercolor portrait of a Brown man with a shaved head in profile, against a deep red background
Watercolor portrait of a Brown man with a pointed beard and loose white shirt standing in profile, against a deep yellow background
Watercolor portrait of a Brown man with a bun and dark blue shirt standing with his head bowed down, against a teal background

Photographic prints by Georgian artist Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, 2010s-20s, whose experimental works incorporate various techniques (including photograms, physically scratching negatives, sublimation dyes, etc).

#art #photography #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Semi-abstract photo of a clear green glasses case holding sunglasses and a blurry red shape behind it
Abstract photo of a bright yellow field with blurry floral shapes and several deep scratched lines across the center
Abstract photo of a bright green field with deeper green folds and a horizontal strip across the lower section with smaller green forms within
Semi-abstract photo of a bright green field with blurry impressions of tulips in orange and purple hues

Works by American illustrator Diana Sudyka, 2010s, from a series inspired by vintage postage stamps.

#art #illustration #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Ink and gouache illustration of a figure walking with their arms out, wearing a cloak decorated with stars and leaves, and a mask topped with a headdress of leaves and branches. There is a copper stamp floating above their hands
Ink and gouache illustration of an underwater scene in black and dark blue-grey tones, with black and white sea creatures including a whale, jellyfish, and squid. Two stamps float above the water like ships. Inked text reads "The ships moved through the ocean unaware of all life that filled its inky depths"
Ink and gouache illustration of two figures, one with a stamp head and one with the head of a stag, standing in a grove of short trees with pointed leaves, with two black birds above them
Ink and gouache illustration of a figure with stamp for a head, standing with their arms up, wearing a long black and red dress, with two wolves at their feet and a group of black birds flying from their arms. Inked text reads "They gathered at the end of each season for the sermon of the crows"

Works by Melbourne-based South Sudanese photographer Atong Atem, 2010s-20s, whose portraiture practice explores identity, migrant narratives, and postcolonial practices in the diaspora.

#art #photography #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Photo portrait of a young Black woman with her face painted blue wearing a velvet purple headwrap, against a brightly colored geometric pattern background
Photo of two seated Black women looking at the camera, one curled up on the floor with her head in the lap of the other. Both are wearing long patterned dresses, flowers and colorful patterned textiles arranged as the backdrop
Photo of a young Black woman with blue skin makeup holding a blue and gold patterned veil over her head and face, wearing a blue and yellow patterned textile
Photo of a young Black woman with blue skin makeup wearing a yellow headwrap and dress, with bouquets of flowers arranged in front of her torso and a magenta and gold textile hanging behind her

Sculpture by Ethiopian artist Adiskidan Ambaye, 2010s-20s, whose organic forms are composed of dozens of handcrafted slices of plywood.

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Wooden sculpture of slender, curving forms and wing-like tips
Wooden sculpture of a curving C-like shape with dark and light sections
Wooden sculpture of a curving C-like shape with copper wires spread between the two ends
Wooden sculpture of a dark horizontal half-circle shape with a globular lighter brown form spilling over the top

Installations by NY-based Canadian artist Lotus L Kang, 2020s, incorporating unfixed photographic film that develops over time when exposed to light and humidity in the gallery.

#art #sculpture #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Long strips of large-scale photographic film handing from the ceiling, with different colors and soft abstract shapes
Long strips of large-scale photographic film handing from the ceiling, with different colors and soft abstract shapes
Long strips of large-scale photographic film handing from the ceiling, with different colors and soft abstract shapes
Long strips of large-scale photographic film handing from the ceiling, with different colors and soft abstract shapes

Watercolor and gouache works by French artist Jean Mallard, 2020s.

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Brightly colored landscape of rolling blue, yellow, and pink hills in front of a deep yellow sky and sun, with a lion standing in the central ground
Brightly colored landscape of curving, blobby hills in blue and green gradients, standing upright from still water, with a small figure floating in the water
Landscape in a blue palette of a large group of figures seen from a distance, lying on a blue field with scattered with blue and green trees, and a large screen depicting a bird flying over thick white clouds standing in the center
Brightly colored landscape of large, round trees in blue, yellow, and orange, with two figures and a bike lounging in the lower foreground on the green grass

Textile works by American artist Lia Cook, 2010s, whose woven portraits incorporate data visualizations as part of a neuroscience research project studying how viewers react emotionally and psychologically to looking at her work.

#art #TextileArt #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Textile portrait of a woman's face in grayscale, with dark hair and dark eyes, overlaid with curving lines in orange, purple, yellow, and red
Textile portrait of a smiling white child's face in grayscale, overlaid with curving lines in green, purple, yellow, and red
Textile portrait of a face in extreme close-up, overlaid with curving lines in yellow, orange, and red
Textile portrait of a smiling white child's face in grayscale, overlaid with curving lines in yellow and red

Paintings by Botswanan artist Thebe Phetogo, 2020, whose "Blackbody Composites" series is inspired by the concept in physics of “a hypothetical perfect physical body that absorbs light and electromagnetic energy, with no reflecting power” and whose bright green palette references green screens.

#art #painting #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Painting in a bright green palette of Black figures in robes gathered around a central seated figure. Two men in the back have oversized manic smiles.
Painting in a bright green palette of a Black figure in the center holding up their hand, flanked by two figures, one holding up a club and other with a surprised look on his face
Painting in a bright green palette of a Black figure with a tall red-tinted hairstyle and bucket hat, wearing a bulky jacket
Painting in a bright green palette of a Black figure in the center with large eyes and red lips, leaning over an open windowsill, with several other green figures around them looking at the viewer, and a purple-grey background with cracked lines

Textile works by American artist Mary Tooley Parker, 2020s, who employs a rug hooking technique with new and recycled fibers for her scenes of everyday life.

#art #FiberArt #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Hook rug scene of a tidy garden in shades of green and yellow, with various orderly plots for different plants, and a figure leaning over in the center and a small white pony in the foreground
Hook rug scene of a living room with a black couch, red and blue floor, and circular purple table with potted plants
Hook rug scene of a yellow bedroom seen from above, with a wooden bed and crib, rocking chair, and pink and green rugs
Hook rug scene of a bedroom with purple walls, green furniture, a black cat on the bed, and a tall window showing a tree, blue sky, and stone wall in the distance

Self-portraits by Filipina artist Wawi Navarroza, 2019-2023, in a series documenting and processing a period of changes in the artist's life - including a studio fire, becoming a mother, and moving from Manila to Istanbul.

#art #photography #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Photo of a young woman with long brown hair surrounded by various patterned textiles, standing next to a table laden with food and flowers, holding an artichoke in her outstretched hands
Photo of a young woman with long brown hair in a red dress, standing within a red, orange, and purple environment of draped fabrics and flowers, holding a cigarette in one hand
Photo of a young woman with long brown hair sitting across from her double holding a toddler in her lap. Both sit in wooden chairs in patterned rooms in a mirrored composition, with a lacy red curtain decorated with flowers draped in the center, separating the two spaces
Photo of a young woman with long brown hair standing in a room decorated with patterned fabrics, colorful ceramicware, and flowers. She is dressed in a multi-patterned outfit and holding a long blue ribbon in both hands, leaning forward on one leg.

Mixed media works on paper by American artist Alexa Guariglia, 2020s.

#art #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Colorful, multi-patterned composition in a flat style with a white woman standing behind a series of chess boards stacked over each other
Colorful, multi-patterned composition in a flat style with a white woman wearing a geometric jumpsuit and aiming a dart
Colorful, multi-patterned composition in a flat style with a white woman standing in a patterned pink and blue shirt with her hands folded on a table with pizza, a drink, and a candle
Colorful, multi-patterned composition in a flat style with various white women in patterned clothing scattered around a beauty salon

Collage works from the "Earthly Treasures" series by Egyptian artist Mohamed Abla, 2020s, exploring the spiritual and healing aspects of plants, especially cacti.

#art #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt #collage
Collage of slender green cacti with red and yellow foliage
Collage of a large central black cactus with pink blossoms and green leaves, and a blue and yellow background
Collage of black cacti with pink blossoms flanked by red, blue, and deep green plants
Collage of green and blue cacti plants with pink blossoms intertwining their leaves together, with black and red plants in the background

Assemblage sculptures with blown glass by British artist Gabriele Beveridge, 2010s-20s, who often incorporates commercial imagery and motifs associated with the beauty industry into her work.

#art #sculpture #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of a female model in extreme close-up, overlaid with a round, drooping ball of semi-opaque white glass
Sculpture of a metallic pair of legs erupting from the wall, balancing a large bulbous pink glass form on their feet
Drooping blue glass form slumped over a pale blue metal ledge
A metallic rack suspended from the ceiling by a rope, adorned with various drooping pale pink glass forms forming a large oval construction

Paintings from the "Great Visionary Transcendence" series by Chinese artist Zheng Guogu, 2010s, whose work combines Chinese and Western imagery, often commenting on the effects of digital technologies on cultural and religious traditions.

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Semi-abstract painting of a series of Buddhist icons around a circular center, in a blurry, colorful style
Many-layered image of Buddhist icons surrounded by clouds and water in a red and blue palette
Painting of a Buddhist icon and small deer in a forest with various elements of landscape overlaid over each other, in a bright green color palette
Painting of a bright pink Buddhist icon dancing in a central circle surrounded by smaller figures, in a green and pink palette

Sculpture by Korean American artist Sui Park, 2020s, whose colorful organic forms are constructed with repurposed cable ties.

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Installation of several freestanding rounded tower structures in different colors made of interlaced plastic, plus some white spiky orbs hanging from the ceiling, placed in a white gallery
Installation of several freestanding rounded tower structures in different colors, made of interlaced plastic, placed in a grass field
Hanging spiky orbs in various colors installed in a brick courtyard
Sculpture of colorful round forms connected by white interlaced plastic

Pastel works by American artist Pace Taylor, 2020s, who describes their practice as "often quiet, very queer, and persistently vulnerable."

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Brightly colored pastel of a red-toned figure's bare back with their head turned in profile, against a green background
Pastel in bright colors of three figures clustered close together in conversation with serious faces; middle two are touching hands
Pastel of two short-haired figures sitting up in bed next to each other under a blue blanket
Pastel of two figures with short hair sitting back to back on a pink couch

Works by Berlin-based Czech artist Klára Hosnedlová, 2020s, whose mixed media sculpture often incorporates elements of performance and immersive installation.

#art #sculpture #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Hanging sculpture of a long, white, bulbous form with a curving opening slit with various material inside
Gallery installation of large textile sculptures in organic, bumpy forms with tendril-like feet erupting from the bases
Hanging sculpture of a narrow cylindrical form made of long strips of glass with a dark brown-to-clear gradient
Several tall standing sculptures in opaque white with textured tops and various photos attached to the their centers

Paintings by Pakistani American artist Nadia Waheed, 2020s, known for her colorful, dreamlike images of women - often self-portraits - that explore identity, spirituality, and South Asian culture.

#art #painting #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Painting of a nude woman lying on in a brown field, with several versions of her figure floating above her as if her soul is leaving her body, with a black circle void floating behind
Painting of a woman with yellow-green skin and bright green hair shown in multiple frames falling to the ground, with a seascape behind her
Painting of a young woman with cropped hair holding a long cut-off braid over her shoulder, with delicate patterns inked on her arms and the sea and stars seen through a rounded window behind her
Painting of two women in grey-blue color palette embracing back-to-front, with the ocean and sunset behind them

Watercolors by Palestinian artist, filmmaker, and inventor Vladimir Tamari, 2000s-10s. Though he lived in many other countries throughout his life, including Lebanon and Japan, his work often explored themes of Palestinian culture, diaspora, and liberation.

#art #watercolor #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Abstract painting of a grouping of colorful shapes resembling written language, on a soft grey and white background
Abstract painting with watery shapes, including a tree in the center and segmented sections with energetic lines and colors
Watercolor of a multicolored abstract scene with a central floral sprouting shape with swirling colorful lines throughout, and an orange sun in the upper center
Watercolor of an abstract landscape with various colorful forms spread across the ground and soft purple, grey, and green gradients in the sky

Sculpture and video installation by American artist and filmmaker Ja'Tovia Gary, 2020s, whose work explores race, gender, representation, and violence, with a filmmaking approach merging experimental documentary tradition with what she calls a “radical Black femme gaze.”

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Neon sculpture with the text "Care is the antidote to violence" against a purple wall
Gallery installation of a pink couch lying askew on the floor with multiple video projections on the walls
Neon sculpture of a vanity (mirror, desk, and stool) against a red wall
Sculpture of a triple tv arranged in a slightly askew tower, each with different images of Black folks on screen

Photos by American artist Amos Mac, 2010s-20s, known for his portraits of trans subjects. In 2009 he co-founded Original Plumbing, a magazine focusing on the lives and experiences of trans men.

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Photo of a shirtless trans man with dark curly hair standing in a sunny spot with trees behind him, looking upwards
Portrait of a young white trans person with chin-length dark curly hair and a 70s-style patterned collared shirt, with foliage in the background
Photo of trans actress Angelica Ross posing with her hand up to her chin and her head tilted to the side, against a bright pink background
Photo of a drag performer looking directly at the camera with a sneering expression, against a white wall

Paintings by London-based Italian artist Rosso Emerald Crimson, 2020s.

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Painting of a Black girl wearing a white polka dot dress sitting on a grey chair and learning on her left hand, surrounded by abstract flourishes
Painting of a woman with big curly hair leaning over a gold circle, with abstract flourishes
Painting of a white girl with long red hair in pig tails wearing a polka dot dress against a bright blue background, her eyes closed and arms at her sides
Painting of a young white woman with long red hair surrounded by black, gold, and red abstract flourishes

Mixed media works by Somalia-born, NY-based artist Uman, 2020s, whose "influences abound from memories of East African childhood, a rigorous education in traditional calligraphy and a fascination with kaleidoscopic color and design."

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Semi-abstract square composition with playful lines and colors depicting a large eye, a figure with arms like tree branches, and a creature with a red fox face and curving limbs
Semi-abstract square composition with playful lines and colors depicting a brown figure baring large teeth, holding a green plant in their blue hands
Semi-abstract square composition with playful lines and colors depicting a figure with white glasses and talon-like hands alongside curving, energetic shapes with the text "Grande Dame" in the lower corner.
Semi-abstract square composition with playful lines and colors depicting twisting, multicolored forms over a green landscape

Works by Canadian photographer Laurence Philomene, 2010s-20s, whose practice explores their experiences with transition and nonbinary identity through color and documentary.

#art #photography #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Photo of a figure facing away from the viewer, with long orange hair decorated with flowers and birds, against a peachy pink background
Photo of a white figure crouching hunched over in a green-tinted pool of water next to a brown-green field, with orange hair tied up in a braid, facing away from the viewer
Photo of a white person with long orange hair in braids sitting on an orange couch surrounded by blankets, pillows, posters on the wall, and a hairless grey cat, holding up a syringe and filling it with testosterone.
Photo of a white figure wearing an orange wig and orange top and skirt, lying down on an orange floor looking at a laptop with their hand on the mousepad

Mixed media works by Chicano artist and HIV advocacy activist Joey Terrill, 1990s-2020s. These tributes to friends and heroes who died of AIDS seek to "queer-ize and Mexican-ize" the Pop still life.

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Still life of a collection of items on a striped table, including a large cucumber, glass Coke bottle, roses in a vase, and scattered white pills next to a bottle labeled "Crixivan"
Still life of a collection of items on a striped table, including a peeled lemon, a black skull, a blue and white vase, uneaten flan, a box of Paxlovid, and label for cigarette rolling papers
Still life of a collection of items on a striped table, including a cluster of grapes, tulips in a vase, and a "Triumeq" pill bottle, a small cut-out of Michelangelo's David, a "Groom and Clean" tube, and colorful wrapped candies (in a reference to Felix Gonzalez-Torres)
Still life of a collection of items on a striped table, including an open jar of Peter Pan peanut butter, a golf ball, a slice of cherry pie, tulips, and a large "Videx" pill