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Beiträge, die mit REPUBLICANS getaggt sind

As she calls for a media reckoning, Parker Molloy speaks truth that will resonate with a lot of us, I suspect:

"For years, major news outlets have twisted themselves into knots trying to appease critics on the right. In the process, they've alienated not just the left but anyone who cares about honest, fearless journalism."

#media #MediaFail #Democrats #Republicans #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump


Here's some truth @csullivan
What will we get if Trump's sElected? The same as Harris. Genocide and racism. THOSE ARE our choices this sElection cycle... Just like the LAST one, and the one before it and tbe one before it and...

Irl our choices are #Fascist #Democrats #Federalism... #KamalaHarris, or States Rights #Populism #Republicans #Trump.

#StatesRights creates legislative and legal #chaos for the EMPIRE of Genocide. I'm just fine with that. 😎

#election2024 #uselection

What we'll get with Trump @joshwaa? The same as Harris. Genocide and racism. THOSE ARE your choices this sElection cycle... Just like the LAST one, and the one before it and tbe one before it and...

Irl your choices are #Fascist #Democrats #Federalism... #KamalaHarris, or States Rights #Populism #Republicans #Trump.

#StatesRights creates legislative and legal #chaos for the EMPIRE. I'm just fine with that. 😎 #election2024 #uselection @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

What well get with Trump? The same as Harris @AnarchistFederation Genocide and racism. THOSE ARE your choices this sElection cycle... Just like the LAST one, and the one before it and tbe one before it and...

Irl your choices are #Fascist #Democrats #Federalism... #KamalaHarris, or States Rights #Populism #Republicans #Trump.

#StatesRights creates legislative and legal #chaos for the EMPIRE. I'm just fine with that. 😎 #election2024 #uselection

We do have a real choice this election. Isn't it obvious?

We have viable, legitimate, well-established third and FOURTH parties to vote for—nullifying the "split the vote" argument used against "THIRD" party candidates—giving us the choice between war and peace; extremism and moderation; death and life. These parties have PEACE baked into their founding principles—that cannot easily be compromised, and it would be obvious if it were.

Please share far and wide, or this will never see the light of day.

#Peace #genocide #war #RealChoice #Libertarian #GreenParty #uniparty #MAGA #BlueMAGA #USElection #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Republicans #Democrats #extremists #moderates @israel @palestine

She Supports Trump’s Anti-Immigration Policies. #Texas Incorrectly Flagged Her as a “Noncitizen” on Its #Voting Rolls.

Mary Howard-Elley is the 10th U.S. citizen identified by ProPublica, The Texas Tribune and Votebeat whose registration was canceled after her #citizenship was questioned. Her saga shows how tough it can be for eligible #voters to get reinstated.

#News #Election2024 #Politics #GOP #Republicans #Government #Immigration


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris rallied supporters on Monday with a debut campaign speech vowing to go after Republican nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump like the courtroom prosecutor she once was. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/07/23/world/politics/trump-harris-prosecutorial-skills/ #worldnews #politics #2024uspresidentialelection #republicans #donaldtrump #us #jdvance #democrats #joebiden #kamalaharris

People shouldn’t be surprised. Ignoring science is par for the course for #DeSantis and the #GOP and #MAGA #Republicans . But he won’t work on solving actual problems like homeowners insurance crisis. Or climate change playing havoc on Floridians. Nope, he’s got to invent new problems. He’s a #chode

Yep. Pope John Paul II decided it was finally time The Church conceded the Earth was round and revolved around the Sun (not the other way around.)

...and MANY #Evangelical #Republicans STILL believe the Sun revolves around the Earth.