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Beiträge, die mit iDF getaggt sind

About the #PalestinianAuthority's apparent assassination of a female journalist at her home and the PA's ongoing support for the #IDF operations.

"#AlJazeera is accused of broadcasting 'misleading and incendiary' reports of the PA's crackdown on the #Palestinians resistance in #Jenin"

Palestinian Authority shuts down Al-Jazeera in occupied #WestBank
https://thecradle.co/articles-id/28294 @palestine

Statement from the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, condemning the deliberate destruction of the healthcare system in #Gaza by the #IDF

#StoptheGenocide #Palestine

lo-fi acid jams to fate and recoin to

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Utxn_Cf8PqQ — which side are you on? 🇮🇱/🇵🇸 #israel #freepalestine #idf #shortsvideo (0:07)

Houthis claim missile that triggered sirens in central Israel – Israel News https://www.byteseu.com/?p=608110 #Houthi #IDF #Israel #rockets #Yemen

Geopolitical plates shifted this year. Now the world braces for the Trump effect https://www.byteseu.com/606056/ #2024 #2025 #Assad #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Geopolitics #IDF #Iran #Israel #MiddleEast #Russia #Syria #Ukraine
Geopolitical plates shifted this year. Now the world braces for the Trump effect

La Striscia di #Gaza continua a essere teatro di violenza e sofferenza umanitaria senza precedenti. Le Forze di Difesa Israeliane (#IDF) hanno colpito due ospedali nella città di Gaza, l’al-Ahli e l’al-Wafaa,
#gaza #idf

Israel finds massive Hezbollah weapon cache at ‘military base disguised as village’ in Lebanon | World News https://www.byteseu.com/602870/ #CeasefireAgreement #Conflicts #Hezbollah #IDF #Israel #SouthernLebanon #WeaponsCache
Israel finds massive Hezbollah weapon cache at ‘military base disguised as village’ in Lebanon | World News

Nach dem Militäreinsatz der israelischen Armee ist das letzte große Krankenhaus im nördlichen Gazastreifen außer Betrieb. Die WHO (!) spricht von einer "systematischen Zerlegung" des Gesundheitssystems.
Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass Deutschlands Staatsräson den bedingungslosen Schutz von Menschenleben, egal welcher Nationalität und nicht den Schutz einer rechtsextremen Regierung #netanyahu beinhalten würde.
#idf #gaza #genocide #palastina #israel #kriegsverbrechen

L'#IDF “ha costruito un villaggio vacanze accanto all'inferno, in mezzo all'inferno”. 🧵1/8

Massaggi, dolcetti “Pretzel e bistecche, a due passi da dove la gente ha fame di un pezzo di pane.”

“Dalle finestre del villaggio vacanze costruito dall'IDF, nelle giornate limpide è possibile vedere i branchi di cani affamati, o forse l'erba sintetica li nasconde agli occhi dei soldati.
Ciò che nasconde definitivamente loro e la distruzione totale che li circonda è la cecità e la mancanza di cuore.”

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #28dicembre

"I soldati israeliani osservano una parte distrutta di Gaza City dalla loro posizione al confine tra Israele e Gaza, come si vede dal sud di Israele, a dicembre."
Credito: Tsafrir Abayov/AP

#israel #yemen : #militaryattack / #escalation / #idf / #uno / #who / #wfp

„Fresh details of the Israeli airstrike on Sana’a airport, which occurred as Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) was preparing to fly out of the country, have been provided by Julien Harneis, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen.“


#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #idf / #warfare / #civilianwarvictims / #narrative / #framing

„Surprised by Oct. 7 and fearful of another attack, Israel weakened safeguards meant to protect noncombatants, allowing officers to endanger up to 20 people in each airstrike. One of the deadliest bombardments of the 21st century followed.“


As IDF uncovers Hezbollah weapons, Lebanon’s leader demands Israel exit southern region https://www.byteseu.com/593823/ #Conflicts #Hezbollah #IDF #Israel #IsraeliSettlements #IsraeliSoldier #Lebanon #NajibMikati #NorthernIsrael #SouthernLebanon
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