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Beiträge, die mit Climat getaggt sind

> "US supreme court allows Hawaii lawsuit against fossil fuel firms’ misinformation"


"Honolulu officials had filed a lawsuit against the companies for an alleged decades long misinformation campaign"


#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires

Hawaii has officially joined the fight to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis.

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New York State Has Sent OIL Companies an INTERIM BILL for Climate Destruction of 75 Billion Dollars.

(interim means more bills coming)

New York State has BILLED oil companies SEVENTY FIVE BILLION for Climate Destruction SO FAR.

California BILL Oil Companies for Climate Dstuction so far.

California👉 Bill Oil for Los Angeles

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Hochul is governor of New York

#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires #NY
 Tags: oil | global warming | fossil fuels | kathy hochul | climate change | liz krueger
Hochul Signs Bill Forcing Big Oil to Pay for Climate Damage

Trump is making lists of Mayors
to blame for Hiroshima level
forest fires across America.

Trump will be blaming Mayors for Climate Destruction For Four Years.

Exxon Burned L.A.


#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires #FourYears
Front Page NewS
Climate Catastrophes
"National Weather Service Warns Of ‘Extreme Danger’: Latest Updates:

Blaming LA Mayor for #LAFires is like blaming the Mayor of Hiroshima for the Atomic Bomb.

Exxon Burned Los Angeles.

Exxon and bribed Politicians, and Papers Like the LA Times, Burned Los Angeles.

The Saudis and Exxon Burned LA.

Exxon and Shell and The Saudis Burned LA.

The Republican Climate Hoaxers and Exxon Burned Los Angeles.

The Saudis and Exxon Burned LA.

Exxon and Shell and The Saudis Burned LA.

#climate #klima #climat
#LAFires #Newsom #Karen #California
And Republican Climate Denial

over a picture of the Pallisades fire in Los Angeles 

“Record Drought, Record Heat, Record Winds
Decades of Denial And Disinformation Destroys One of The Modern World's Great Cities.

Notre cofondatrice Inès Léraud signe un chapitre de l'ouvrage collectif intitulé « Le Monde du journalisme face à l'urgence écologique », par le 25 septembre aux éditions La Plage. 🌿

Ce petit livre, vendu 6,95 €, fait partie d'une série de quatre carnets dans lesquels plusieurs personnalités expliquent pourquoi et comment elles œuvrent pour faire évoluer leur champ professionnel et la société toute entière. 1/

#journalisme #ecologie #politique #environnement #pollution #climat #media #presse

À la COP29, les négociations entrent dans le dur sur fond de tensions géopolitiques

À #Bakou, alors qu’une grande partie des dirigeants des pays du G20 étaient absents au début du sommet onusien sur le #climat, la bataille fait rage depuis trois jours pour s’accorder autour d’un nouvel objectif de financement climatique mondial.

Le logo de la COP29 à Bakou, en Azerbaijan, le 17 septembre 2024. © Photo Jakub Porzycki/Nur