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Beiträge, die mit DFLP getaggt sind

DFLP Statement on the 15th Month of Al-Aqsa Flood War


At the conclusion of the October War, its 15th month “Democracy”: Through national and societal dialogue, and translating its outcomes, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, protect the blood of our people, and break the fascist attack.

With the conclusion of the savage October War, its 15th month, and its entry into its 16th month, and in light of the legendary steadfastness of our people and our resistance in the Gaza Strip, and the continued rise of the mass movement in the West Bank, and its confrontation with the occupation and settlers, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement, in which it confirmed that through national and societal dialogue, and translations of what is agreed upon, and the preservation of the blood of our people, and blocking the path to sedition, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, and deepen our unity in the field, and pave the way towards a comprehensive national programmatic vision, capable of breaking the back of the invasion and occupation, and thwarting the “day after” projects for the Gaza Strip, and confronting the annexation and decisive projects in the West Bank, and defending our national project, as approved by the Palestinian legitimacy in the National and Central Councils, in freedom, self-determination and independence, and the right of return for refugees, and expelling the occupation and dismantling the settlements, and liberation from the “Oslo restrictions” and the “Paris Economic Protocol.”

The Democratic Front said: Our Palestinian people and our valiant resistance in the Gaza Strip confirm, day after day, their steadfastness and high readiness to stand firm and thwart the Zionist project drawn up for the Strip, which requires stopping the state of political and media conflict over the national approach and plan to block the Israeli-American project for the “day after” for the Strip, which was reaffirmed by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in his media statements.

The Democratic Front stressed that returning to commitment and respect for what was agreed upon in Beijing, in terms of activating the unified and temporary leadership framework, and forming a national consensus government of competencies and activists, managing the general affairs of the situation in the Gaza Strip, as in the West Bank, and preserving the territorial integrity of the State of Palestine, is the way to block the Tel Aviv-Washington projects, and to preserve the precious sacrifices of our people and their resistance, and to rise to the national level that befits what the proud sector has offered in terms of martyrs and wounded, pain, tears and blood, and to take the national situation out of revolving in a vicious circle, in the search for a solution for the national role in the sector, in light of the war and after it.

As for the West Bank, and in light of the Israeli attack, the Democratic Front called for the removal of everything that would inflame and ignite the national atmosphere, and incite the ignition of the fire of sedition, from whose harm no one will escape, and which will only benefit the Israeli enemy and its liquidation projects.

In this context, the Democratic Front called for launching a national and societal dialogue in the West Bank, to discuss the general conditions, including agreement on the principle of the Palestinian people’s right to resist the occupation by all possible and available means, which are mandated by the decisions of Palestinian legitimacy, represented by the National and Central Councils, and translations of national dialogues, the most recent of which is the “Beijing Dialogue”, and international legitimacy and laws.
The Democratic Front stressed that this requires the Palestinian Authority, which holds the reins of decision-making in the West Bank, to assume its national responsibilities, including ending its siege of the city of Jenin and its camp, returning security personnel to their barracks, abolishing all armed manifestations inside the city and camp, stopping the Authority from issuing security summonses to individuals and activists, releasing those detained among them, stopping distorting national figures and leaders, neutralizing the official media, considering it a media for everyone, not for one group over another, and not involving it in political disputes between the parties of the national situation, and focusing its efforts instead on confronting Israeli barbarism in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Relief Agency, and the national rights of our people.

The Democratic Front concluded its statement by emphasizing that, through all of this, we are re-correcting the course of national relations, and deepening our national ability to confront the projects that are being prepared to be implemented, within the framework of the American-Israeli alliance, and at the expense of the legitimate national rights of our people and their political and national future.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Paletine
Central Media


#alAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #palestine #westAsia #westBank

DFLP Statement on the 15th Month of Al-Aqsa Flood War

At the conclusion of the October War, its 15th month “Democracy”: Through national and societal dialogue, and translating its outcomes, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, protect the blood of our people, and break the fascist attack.


#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #palestine #WestAsia #WestBank

Bericht: «Die Unheilige Allianz – #UNRWA , #Hamas und Islamischer Dschihad»

Die Enthüllungen im neusten Bericht von UN Watch, «Die unheilige Allianz», werfen ein grelles Licht auf die fragwürdigen Verbindungen zwischen dem Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für Palästina-Flüchtlinge im Nahen Osten UNRWA und Terrororganisationen wie der Hamas und dem Islamischen Dschihad.


#Israel #Schweiz #Deutschland #IslamischerDschihad #UNWatch #UN #Libanon #DFLP #Iran #Hisbollah #NaherOsten

DFLP Condemns Ongoing Repression From Palestinian Authority


The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns the continued detention of Comrade Nasr Al-Maleh and the campaign of threats and summons against a number of cadres and members of the Front by the security services

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned, in a statement issued today, the continued detention of Comrade Nasr Al-Maleh, a member of the Front’s Central Committee, who was arrested by the Palestinian security services last Tuesday evening due to his participation in the stand and march organized by the Front in Ramallah under the slogan (Call for National Unity), which called for stopping the internal fighting in Jenin and its camp and protecting national unity and civil peace. This fighting has claimed the lives of eleven martyrs from both sides so far, the last of whom was the martyr journalist “Shadha Al-Sabbagh.”

The statement added, stressing that the continued detention of Comrade Nasr without justification, and without legal justification, and the fabrication of the charge of (inciting conflict between sects) because of his chanting for resistance and national unity and his call to stop the internal fighting, are false allegations that harm a struggling comrade and freed prisoner, known as With his national unity positions, which are an extension of the well-known and well-known positions of the Democratic Front, the latest of which is the role that the Front is playing these days to prevent strife and stop the fighting in Jenin, in order to avoid entering a phase of self-destruction that conflicts with the requirements of confronting current and future challenges, which call for unifying our people and mobilizing all energies to confront the Zionist liquidation project that targets the Palestinian existence. The Democratic Front considered that the security services targeting a number of the Front’s cadres and members by summoning and threatening them with arrest in the event that they participate in activities calling for stopping what is happening in Jenin and its camp, is a miserable attempt to silence mouths and silence the voices keen to prevent strife and protect civil peace and the unity of the national and social fabric. The Front concluded its statement by calling on the political leadership of the Authority to stop the security services from such practices that harm internal Palestinian relations, and to abandon the option of a security solution to address the situation in Jenin and its camp, and to respond and not turn their backs on the initiatives being presented to address the situation, foremost of which is the “Wifaq” initiative launched by “Palestine Call” and the Independent Commission and a number of national forces and human rights and community institutions, which emphasizes that national dialogue is the only way to bridge differences and resolve disparities among the ranks of a single people who are going through a phase of national liberation in which national unity is a primary condition for the victory of our people and the attainment of their rights, and that the protection of the law must not be placed in conflict with our people’s right to resistance, which all Palestinian forces agreed upon in the “Beijing” agreement aimed at restoring national unity and confronting suspicious projects to separate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, which is the guarantee, in the event of the agreement being implemented, to address all differences, including agreement on forms of struggle, and to emerge from the state of internal fragmentation that threatens civil peace and the unity of our people and their national forces in confronting the Zionist project. Liquidation.

Central Media – Ramallah



#dflp #palestine #repression #westAsia #westBank

DFLP Condemns Ongoing Repression From Palestinian Authority

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns the continued detention of Comrade Nasr Al-Maleh and the campaign of threats and summons against a number of cadres and members of the Front by the security services


#Communiques #dflp #palestine #repression #WestAsia #WestBank

DFLP Condemns Brutal Zionist Aggression Against Syria


The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement in which it said: While it renews its support for the brotherly Syrian people and their sacred right to self-determination and to live in safety, stability and freedom on the soil of their homeland, it at the same time condemns the brutal Israeli aggression that has targeted Syria during the past two days, including the unilateral overthrow of the 1974 truce with Syria and the violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian territory, whether by advancing to the buffer zone and exceeding it towards the areas of the Damascus countryside, or by its criminal acts in which the enemy’s planes and fighters bombed the official sites of the Syrian state, under fabricated claims, the aim of which was to work to destabilize the country and distract it to prevent it from advancing towards stability and launching the process of reconstruction and unifying the country, under one authority, chosen by the Syrian people.

The Democratic Front called on the Arab countries and the concerned capitals to take effective action to curb the brutal Israeli aggression on Syria, which confirms that Israel, in its aggression on Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, is the real threat to the security and stability of the region and the aspirations of its peoples towards freedom and building their national state, as active parties in the international community.

Central Media


#dflp #gaza #palestine #syria #westAsia

[COMMUNIQUES] DFLP Condemns Brutal Zionist Aggression Against Syria

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement: While it renews its support for the brotherly Syrian people and their sacred right to self-determination and to live in safety, stability and freedom on the soil of their homeland, it at the same time condemns the brutal Israeli aggression that has targeted Syria during the past two days.


#dflp #gaza #palestine #syria #WestAsia

With US Approval the Zionist Regime is Accelerating the Gaza Genocide: DFLP

The DFLP said in a statement issued today that the fascist occupation government in israel and its army have been continuing their brutal crimes in the Gaza Strip for fourteen months, committing massacres and the described war of genocide, as confirmed by all international reports and reports of human rights


#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #palestine #WestAsia

Vehicles Caught Under Gaza Resistance’s Fire, Hezbollah’s Rockets Hammer Zionist Soldiers
For the 401st consecutive day, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza continues to confront Zionist occupation forces, carrying out several military operations in the
#News #AlAqsaFlood #dflp #gaza #hamas #hezbollah #iraq #lebanon #palestine #pflp #pij #WestAsia