Beiträge, die mit EUfunding getaggt sind
New rule-of-law chief to Hungary: ‘It’s never too late’ #Regions/Cohesion #Humanrights #Technology #Democracy #Diplomacy #EUfunding #Judiciary #RuleofLaw #Breaches #Politics #Budget #Rights #Media
New rule-of-law chief to Hungary: ‘It’s never too late’
Michael McGrath is prepared to give Hungary a chance to make things rights but stands ready to turn off the EU money taps.Mathieu Pollet (POLITICO) 5 things to know about migration czar Magnus Brunner’s European Parliament hearing – POLITICO #Albania #beef #borders #elections #EUFunding #europe #FabriceLeggeri #france #GiorgiaMeloni #Israel #MagnusBrunner #meat #MEPS #migration #NGOs #parliament #policing #policy #rights #security #technology #UrsulaVonDerLeyen
5 things to know about migration czar Magnus Brunner’s European Parliament hearing – POLITICO - EUROPE SAYS
It helped that after the first section of the hearing, MEPs didn’t have a chance to follow upEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)