Beiträge, die mit EducationalBookshop getaggt sind
Jerusalem’s Educational Bookshop Appeal
The Educational Bookshop is a family-run, independent chain of three bookshops. Booksellers Mahmoud and Ahmad Muna were arrested at the Educational Bookshop, handcuffed and taken to prison to be released under house arrest two days later. Over 250 books were confiscated, some have since been returned.
Please help us raise funds to support the Educational Bookshop.
#Palestine #EducationalBookshop #Israel #Gaza #Jerusalem
The Educational Bookshop is a family-run, independent chain of three bookshops. Booksellers Mahmoud and Ahmad Muna were arrested at the Educational Bookshop, handcuffed and taken to prison to be released under house arrest two days later. Over 250 books were confiscated, some have since been returned.
Please help us raise funds to support the Educational Bookshop.
#Palestine #EducationalBookshop #Israel #Gaza #Jerusalem
Donate to Jerusalem’s Educational Bookshop Emergency Appeal, organized by Saqi Books
Bookselling is not a crime: fundraiser to support the Educational Booksh… Saqi Books needs your support for Jerusalem’s Educational Bookshop Emergency
An update on the two book keepers arrested by Israel for selling books on Palestinian topics in Jerusalem. Ahmad Muna has now been released. Here Ahmad (left) is joined after his release by Murad Muna (right), brother of Mahmoud Muna who is still incarcerated.
#jerusalem #EducationalBookshop #palestine #Gaza #westbank #Israel
#jerusalem #EducationalBookshop #palestine #Gaza #westbank #Israel